***NOT In A Family Way***

***NOT In A Family Way***

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I’ll cut to the chase…..

Doctor Stevie Wonder paid us a visit…..

…..actually he paid Addy a visit…..

And She’s NOT Pregnant!!!

Tra!  La!

Phew!………….Double Phew!

It’s just toooooooooo hot to have a horse baby now!…..

…..and if she were pregnant…..that would mean she would have a baby horse in about eleven months…..


…..right in the middle of next summer’s sweltering-steam-pot…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~es ist nicht gut~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

…..(that one was one of the many expressions I learned from my German relatives—–that I can spell & use—–in public)…..

(Blurry) Fat Addy…

So we’ve dodged that pregnancy-issue for now…..

And we’ve taken family-planning precautions…..

…..Because…..We’ve Hot-Wired That Gate!…..

Quite often farm-life is the same as “Monday-Morning-Quarterback’ing”…..

…..you see your mistakes very clearly…..

…..AFTER…..they’ve happened…..

We WILL breed Addy again…..

…..but in the Fall…..

…..when the weather’s cooler…..

Plus…..I was able to pick up this year’s Botulism vaccinations from Doctor Wonder…..along with additional tubes of Dormosedan…..

Claire…..& Her Baggy Lips…

…..(for drugging Claire)…..

…..(so she’ll sleep through her hoofie-appointments with Montana our blacksmith)…..

So all in all…..it was a good/positive/happy appointment…..

You realize what a recluse you are…..

…..when you’re periodic visits from your large animal vet…..

…..are one of your only connections with…..

…..”The Outside World”…..

…..Plus…..Addy Does NOT Have A Bun In The Oven…..

So it’s all a  “Win—Win”!…..

Addy’s NOT in a family-way…..I got drugs for Claire…..and Doctor Wonder filled my daughter and me in with ALL of the news from…..

…..around the world…..(?)…..(or maybe just the county)…..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~life is good~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~enjoy the little things~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~







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