Not ANOTHER Poultry Posting…….(?)

Not ANOTHER Poultry Posting…….(?)

It’s almost June…

The Runner Ducks have been laying eggs all through the spring months…

Their eggs are big…..about the size of 1  1/2 jumbo eggs…

Duck Eggs Compared To A Chicken Egg

And their shells are like cement…

…..they are tasty…

…..BUT wait!…….

…..I have an incubator…

So it wasn’t a big stretch that curiosity would take over, and I would start collecting and incubating the Runner Duck’s eggs…

Previous Duck Lodging

…..and baby ducks are SO CUTE!!…….

…..big floppy feet…….

…..over-sized beaks…….


***Black Runner Ducks***

The Black Runner ducks lay green-tinged eggs, while the Indian Penciled Runner ducks lay white freckled eggs…

***Indian Runner Ducks***

Penny & Raj

I got my humidity-controlled, self-turning incubator rev’d up and away we went…….

…..and about the appropriate amount of time later…….


…..ten baby ducklings hatched out…….

Now here’s an observation…….

…..I collected green duck eggs and I collected white, freckled duck eggs…….

…..I ran off multiple crows while trying to complete my task…….

Crow Residue

(Ducks will lay their eggs absolutely anywhere!)

But…….when all of the ducklings finally emerged…….they were all predominately black with white bibs along with a few other splattered white spots…

Just Hatched Ducklings



I don’t ask questions…….


I don’t judge…..

I don’t peek…..(often)…..

What goes on in the coop after dark is their business…….(?)…….


Ducklings…….(and my thumb)

So it looks like our duck flock has increased…….

…..they are so entertaining…….

…..they look like running Coca-Cola bottles with these silly little wings as after-thoughts…


~~~~~M  R  Ducks!

~~~~~R Not!

~~~~~R 2!

~~~~~C  D  Itty Bitty Wangs!?!

~~~~~L  I  B!…….M  R  Ducks!

(I’ll stop now…..)





4 thoughts on “Not ANOTHER Poultry Posting…….(?)

    1. Plus they aren’t quite as messy with water as other ducks can be…..don’t get me wrong…..they’re still messy…..just not quite as bad…

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