

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

That’s me…..Technologically Incapable…..

My older daughter regularly explains modern-computer-stuff to me fully & completely…..

…’s still like mud sliding down a wall…..

…..I use a thing called WordPress to write in while doing this Blog-doo-dah…..

…..(I always think of a steam iron with starched/flattened words)…..

Over the years I’ve learned a lot about cutting & pasting…..and cropping…..

…..and using lots of different cords with different ends… do stuff…..

…..(I’ve learned you can’t (admittedly) make a cord fit where it doesn’t want to)…..

…..(and if you do)………….DON’T EVER tell my older daughter)…..

…..(she can get extremely judgy)…..


…..non-culpable-disambiguation…..that’s my motto…..

…..(Note to Self…..remember how you were told by said-daughter to do the computer-back-up-stuff?)…..

…..(when was the last time you did that backing-up-stuff?)…..

…..(do you remember how to?)…..

…..(maybe you should do that soon)…..hmmmmm?…..


There are new things I discover about WordPress all the time…..

…..but most of it…I just circle while carrying a big stick…..

Archimedes Sitting On My Computer…

I am comfortable with the keyboard though…..

…’s a hold-over from my hated secretarial days…..

I’ve decided that the world could go to poo…..


… can always rely on good-ole-qwerty…..

*****QWERTY Explained*****

I can’t wrap my head around things like “meta-tags” or “SEO’s”…..

…..they’re probably important…..

(You’d think I could take a decent photo…or possibly clean the screen…maybe I’ll try spraying it with some Windex…)

…..but really…..

…..WordPress…..what are these aggregators & caches?…..

…..OR what’s an ExactMetric EXACTLY?…..

…..I’ll just stick to my friendly qwerty…..

I’ve been told not to push too many buttons that I don’t understand…..

I hand my computer over to a very nice/kind/patient woman who updates important stuff for me…..

But…..I would like to thank all of you out there for tolerating my muddy-swampy-mishaps and subscribing to my swampiness…..

There is a place in WordPress where I can see the countries where people are watching me from…..(from where people are watching me?)…..

… that’s super cool… makes everything all the more funner…..

…..THANK YOU all for reading my posts…..

…..just think…..

The 2021 Hurricane Season is just around the corner…..(yippee)…..

…..with more wind & rain & storms to come…..

…..that means MORE MUD along with bile-filled-bellowed angst…..Tra!  La!

…..oh, swell…..

…..writing about MUD NEVER GETS OLD…now does it!…..

…..there’s never a shortage of topics…..sigh…..

*********************Manure Mud!!!  Woot!!!  Woot!!!*********************






2 thoughts on “Non-Technologic-ally-Capable

    1. I would think so…(?)…but keep in mind you are asking a self-professed/computer-doofus…
      I’ll ask the nice lady who updates things for me…

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