*****Non-Partisan News Flash*****

*****Non-Partisan News Flash*****

It’s “THAT” Day…..


By the time this is posted…..our elections will be well-underway…..

…..(Thank God)…..

Weird…..Strange…..Powerful…..Times…..We Are Living In…..

And I definitely hope & encourage you to exercise your right to vote…..

…..whichever candidate you are voting for…..

…..just get out and vote…..

My family already has…..

…..we straddle the political divide…..

…..we’ve picked up our Wiffle bats and had at it…..repeatedly…..

…..did I mention…..repeatedly…..(?)…..

I know that I am definitely looking forward to November the 4th…..

…..and breathing a sigh of relief…..while curling up with a nice cup of tea…..

I’m done with the mailbox being filled with politically charged/hopefully-swaying ads…..

…..(For God’s Sake…..Save A Tree!)…..

I’ve learned NOT to pick up the phone for the multiple calls that come in identifying the caller as…..


…..no no, DON’T pick up those calls!…..


…..they are all going to be politically-charged TNT…..

…..it will be safe again to pick up the phone on November the 4th…..

…..Candidate flags and buntings and banners are everywhere…..

There’s more Red…..White…..&…..Blue out there than on any Fourth of July…..

…..we choose not to put out anything in our yard…..

…..we don’t need to be a target for any overly-opinionated-Yahoo who happens to be driving by with a surplus of rotten eggs…..or spray paint…..or whatever…..

…..we just make sure that we vote…..

(FYI…..the overly-opinionated-Yahoo’s are on both sides of the political battle lines)

Sometimes I wonder just how much say-so we actually have in the middle of that monsterously/huge Political-Machine which is going to roll over us regardless…..no matter what we do…..

So………….my advice to you…..

…..is to keep safe………….vote………….and keep your head down…..

I wish you all well…..





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