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I’ve already forgotten what it means…..

Field Corn

Let me go look it up again…..

***How To Nixtamal-itize stuff***…..(sp?)…..

Who couldn’t resist a word like this?…..

Say it slowly…..

Now say it five times fast…..

…..(It might just have to go on my list of “favorite words to say”…right alongside “Iditarod” and “Onomatopoeia” and “Saponification”)…..

***Oooh…More on Nixtamal-izing***

…’s my new fun word…it begs to be used…..just like saponification…..

…..(***But What Does That Sapo-Word Mean?*** )…..

Apparently I’ve done it on more than a few occasions…..(?)…..

…..(one saponifies when one makes soap…..HA!)…..

But back to nixtamalization…..just what’s that all about?…..

…I Don’t Have A Grain Mill Nearby…
…But I DO Have One Of These…

…’s a corn-pulverizing and kernal-soaking thing…..

… turns ordinary (fairly non-nutritional) field corn into yummy nutritional maize that’s good for corn meal and hominy grits…..

Corn Tortillas

…..I’m intending to try really hard to start a garden…..

…..this is the season to plan for it (hot/humid/soggy/scorching summer in Florida)…..

I’m scoping out deer-proof (and goat-proof) fencing…..I’ll be making a seed list…..I’m researching where to get the seeds…..

My younger daughter and I tried to cultivate some vegetables in our old/leaky water tanks…..

Things were going so well…blossoms were on the squash plants…everything looked so happy…..

…..then overnight…everything got inhaled by critters…totally eaten…totally gone…..

…..such sadness…..

I intend to plant field corn…old-fashioned…bug-resistent…disease & fungus-resistent field corn…..

…..(aka dent corn…aka Indian corn…aka flint corn)…..

I’ll have to wait for the end of summer to plant again…(Florida has two growing seasons)…..

…(a lot of my youth was spent sitting under our growing corn in Ohio)…

In the meantime…I’ll find the appropriate non-GMO’d seeds…and the necessary deer fencing (we know it’s the goats)…..

…..and my daughter and I will set up another produce patch…..including my highly-researched dent corn…..

…..Tra!  La!…..







#fieldcorn #indiancorn #dentcorn #maize #deerfencing #nongmo #hominygrits #cornmeal #tortilla #nixtamalization

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