New Year’s Normalcy

New Year’s Normalcy

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It’s time to get back to the normalcy of everyday life…(whatever that is)…..

The Holidays are Great…don’t get me wrong…..

…’s a roller coaster from Halloween right through the New Years and the Twelfth Day Of Christmas…(which is today)…..

This is the Epiphany…the day that young men dive to retrieve the cross that’s been blessed & thrown into the waters off Tarpon Springs by the Greek Orthodox Archbishop…..

***(The Tarpon Springs Epiphany Celebration)***

…..but then………….phew………….it’s back to the every day routines…..

And that’s just fine too…..

The whirlwind is ebbing…(thank goodness)…I need to take a breath…..

I’m sitting here next to the now two week old Irish Wolfhound puppies…..

…(not all of them…there are seven)…

…..even though their care is totally exhausting…they keep me grounded…I need that…..

They have a set feeding schedule that needs to be kept…the time between feedings is lengthening…so things are getting a little easier and less sleep-deprived for my older daughter and me…..

Tube-Feeding Stuff

I’m looking forward to less-festive…more-normal meals too…..

I love the celebrations…I love the Holidays…but recent heart surgery…and a litter of puppies…at the same time…..

…..I’m pooped out…..

The babies are just starting to open their eyes…..

They can hear now too…..

Doctor Brigid has removed their dew claws…I’ve gotten the micro-chips…we’ve wormed them once already…so they’re all on schedule…..

I love the holiday season…but I love getting back to normal routines…..

Last year at this time…I was over-dosing on home-made cheesecake…(I haven’t had any since)…..

…the infamous Cheesecake gluttony…

I do better with daily chores…..

I’ve had them shoring-up my life………….all my life…..

They are the outlines & blueprints of my days…where I can color in the spaces…or color outside the lines…whatever seems appropriate for each individual day…..

…..but for now…for today…..

I’m glad for the normalcy of this New Year and what it may bring…..

…..and right now…..

…..I need to go heat up bottles for the puppies next meal…..

Celebrate the big things…and the little things…and quiet puppies with full tummies…..

Happy New Year…..






#tarponspringsflorida #greekorthodoxchurch #ephiphany #puppyworming

#pyrantelpamoate #irishwolfhounds #homeagainmicrochips #dewclaws #resolutions

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