New Septic~~~Days #5, #6, #7, #8

New Septic~~~Days #5, #6, #7, #8

Surprise, it’s raining.  It’s been raining, and raining, and raining……….It’s summer in Florida, of course it’s raining.

We have been lucky so far this “season”.  There have been two Tropical Storms already, and they have gone elsewhere.  But with our luck that means others have had bad luck.  You end up feeling thankful and guilty at the same time.  And it’s still June.  It’s Kismet and Mother Nature doing a waltz.  I’m just tapping my foot and snapping my fingers to the music.  And waiting to duck under the table.  Completely off the subject, that last sentence reminded me of grade school in Ohio and our pre-lunch routine of practicing crouching in the hallways with our hands clasped behind our heads……………………it wouldn’t have helped much in the Cuban Missile Crisis, but it might have been good practice in preparation for tornadoes and hurricanes?

These wonderful septic people have created a major dinosaur-dig-site in our front yard, albeit, a sloppy, muddy one.  The chickens have not fallen in (as yet).  “Toil” our barn cat (who doesn’t go to the barn anymore at all———even when coaxed with his own bowl of goat milk) hasn’t fallen in yet.  We don’t have any of the horses in the front yard, because they would have fallen in.

We have green pipes, we have blue pipes, we have gray pipes, and of course the obligatory white PVC pipes.  We have funny little trays running horizontally in one of the bigger holes.  There is a very, very long trench connecting both of the big holes.  I should see what color those pipes are in there.  That large, cement thingie has been sitting in one of the big pits.  They (the nice septic people) said they would be finished tomorrow (Day #8).  I guess they are delivering a couple dump truck loads of sand tomorrow to fill in all of the holes.  At least I hope that is what they are planning to do with the sand.


Oh, it was soooooooooo worth the wait to post this!  The dumping of the sand!  Wow!  Who would have thought it would have been so entertaining!

Well let me tell you!  Two big dump trucks arrive at the road.  Two drivers get out and shuffle meaningfully through the front gate pacing out the best route to the lift mound.  My daughter goes out.  #1.  Because I am fairly immobile prior to my up-coming knee-replacement surgery.  And #2.  (It’s probably really because of #2).  I am intolerant.  But worse, I am eloquently intolerant.  And probably my intolerance has had its fuse drastically eroded, shortened and gnawed off over the years.

So to that effect, my older daughter jumped at the request to go out and chat with the shuffling dump truck people who were now just staring at the house……………whatever could be wrong!?!

Well apparently we have trees…………..How odd?  And they have limbs………….even odder!  And we have a 38′ horse trailer and trucks in our driveway.  And there was a turn involved to get to the drop site…………….how sad………..

Are you getting the idea why I’m not allowed to talk to many people?  I have to create a Blog where strangers or no-one-at-all listen to me and they aren’t allowed to leave a comment.  Now THAT’s estranged communication skills!!

But I’m peering at the entire scenario from the shadows of the bedroom window………… daughter returns with the demands of the dump truck retinue…………they wanted to drop both loads in the middle of the driveway…………….(?)(!)(%$%%!?*&%$———I say!).  They call their dispatcher.  I call the Mother Ship of the Nice Septic People from the planet Poo.

The dispatcher and the Poo planet tell them to dump where they are supposed to and to stop whining.  Now the lady-driver gets in around the trees, under the limbs and dumps her sand.  But not so lucky with the other (non-lady) driver……….nope, nope, nope.

He couldn’t get in the driveway with a righthand turn.  He had to go up to the cul-de-sac and come back for a lefthanded turn.  (We had suggested that at the beginning——-that’s what I do with the 38′ goose-neck trailer………easy/peezie………I do it all the time and we still have a mailbox.)

He has a blinged-out, chromed/dual-exhaust chimneys, mural-painted, air-foiled (I kid you not!) dump truck.  It was truly breath-taking.  It really was.  It was right out of “Smokey and the Bandit”.  But come on!!!!!!!  Are you going to take a hand-waxed Cadillac to a Nascar race and expect it to remain spotless?

So the lady-driver helped him in and the side she was helping him with was fine…………but the side he was responsible for———he was able to find a small tree that was tucked in a corner to take off one of his rear-view mirrors AND antenna……………..I am sincerely sorry for his truck’s damage.  I don’t know how he made that sweep to find that tiny tree (it wasn’t even one of the ones that they were concerned about in the first place———all of which turned out not to be of a concern after all).  He was not a happy trucker.  He was equally, theatrically unhappy about his female audience.  His colleague was laughing.  My daughter signed receipts and ran for the hills at her first opportunity.

I think his truck is incredibly eye-catching and something to be proud of going down the road, but at the end-of-the-day, it’s purpose is to be a dump truck.  Isn’t it?  I’m still trying to wrap my head around the decision to have a mural painted on the side?………………and an air-foil?

Aren’t air-foils intended to hold race cars to the road at high speeds…………….?

We are talking about a loaded dump truck here, right?            Just saying.




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