~~~New Projects—Old Ideas~~~

~~~New Projects—Old Ideas~~~

My younger daughter has always (did I mention ALWAYS) wanted to live in an AirStream trailer…

Well…..she has…

She wants her independence…

And that’s fine…

(within reason)

She LOVES watching the TV program…”Going RV”…

She studies it…..takes notes…..watches re-runs…..and really gets into it…..

(should I use the word COMPULSIVE!?!…..why yes I should)…..


…..she can easily tell you the difference between a Class A and a Class B hitch…

***Huh?…..The Alphabet Of RV’s***

A few months back, while up at our veterinarian’s office for drugs, my daughter spotted an Airstream trailer parked in his yard…..

…..and this is where the fun (?) begins…..

…..she knew it was an AirStream “International”…..

…..she just HAD to text Dr. Stevie Wonder and talk “RV’s” with him…..

…..so she did…..

Apparently Dr. Wonder (for some unknown reason) had had that particular RV sitting in his back yard for the last fifteen years…..(?)…..(AirStreams do last forever…..at least their shells do)…..

…..and…..he said if she wanted it…………she could have it…..


………….it all happened SO quickly too!!!………….

…..and so…the saga of the fixer-upper AirStream has begun…..

First step…..get the old tires off…..

Second step…..get new tires on the old rims…..

Third and so on…..drag that sucker to our back yard…..

………….and begin the lengthy—–lengthy—–lengthy renovations………….

Grease-Monkey Ralph’s help has been enlisted…..

Steve (our diesel mechanic) has been pulled in too…..

…..only yesterday Steve was telling me about a special/aluminum acid-wash…..and how to drill out rivets…..and how to rivet in windows………….(?)………….(oh dear)…

…..(no wonder my house needs vacuuming and dusting and always looks grimy…..who has time for housework?)…..

…..I have an old AirStream to re-construct!…….

I now have the new tires on the old rims in the bed of my truck…..

Next week…G.M. Ralph will meet me at Doctor Wonder’s again and we’ll (attempt) hauling that old dear out of his backyard and deposit it into our backyard………..(who cares about tail lights or license plates!)…

I’ve impressed upon…..and impressed upon…..and repeated…..and repeated…..to my younger daughter…..

…..that this is a journey and not a destination…..

…..that it will take a long…..looooooonnnnnnngggggg…..time to fix up her new (?) house on wheels…..

…..that Mommy is willing to learn…..but is basically unskilled in RV-renovations…..

…..and that patience is key…..

…..she didn’t listen…..she’s already bought purple kitchen utensils and a welcome mat…..






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