~~~New Chicklets~~~

~~~New Chicklets~~~


*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

It’s that time of year again…..the wheel in the sky keeps on turning…..

…..(wouldn’t that make a good song lyric?)…..

…..(oh wait…..it already is)…..

*****Journey’s Song*****

I needed to replenish our chicken flock…..

…..predators, Irish Wolfhounds, age, and other bad-stuff happens…..

I ordered French Black Copper Marans along with French Cuckoo Marans…..

***French Black Copper Marans***

***French Cuckoo Marans***

…..(they are some of the darkest brown egg-layers available)…..

…..along with four additional Olive Eggers…..

*****Olive Eggers*****

…..(not a real breed)…..

…..(but they produce dark olive-colored eggs)…..(just like their name says)…..

A total of twenty-eight chicks arrived…..(one more than ordered)…..

All pullets except for two cockerels…..

The peeps were shipped from Missouri on May 5th…..they were scheduled to arrive on May 8th…..

But surprise!…..

The boogers arrived one day early!…..

Tra!  La!…..

We needed to pick them up ASAP at the main Post Office…..one day early…..

~~~~~~~The Scramble Was On!~~~~~~~

I really didn’t mind though…..

…..it meant that they were “in transit” one day less…..

Fortunately, I had enough baby-animal-rearing-supplies here already at-the-ready…..

……I cleaned the puppies’ wading pool…..

…..I already had leftover corrugated paper (from past mail-ordered chicks) to duct-tape for added height around the top…..

…..there was a bag of left-over wood shavings in the barn from Claire’s foaling…..

…..I already had the feeders and waterers and thermometers from past poultry puffs…..

Long John Silver (our geriatric cockatoo) didn’t need his heat lamp anymore…..

…..so I re-purposed it for the baby chicklets…..

Long John Silver’s Heat Lamp

I already have apple cider vinegar on hand for everybody at all times…..just because…..

~~~Apple Cider Vinegar…Garlic…& Diatomaceous Earth***

I even had hard boiled eggs in the fridge to chop up for the babies…..

~~~Good Food For Baby Chicks~~~

Currently they are safely inside our back porch…..behind walls & doors…..

…..completely devoid of Otto-isms…..


Hopefully I’ll be able to raise all twenty-eight of these little fluffies to adulthood…..

Hopefully…Otto Will Be Devoid Of Chickie-Snackables…






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