Necessary Assecories

Necessary Assecories

I’m not going to change the mis-spelled title…..(I was tired when I wrote it)…..

When I went to school…..(in the Ice Ages)…..


….they didn’t have categories or names for learning-disorders…..

…..(I have successfully dealt with mine… myself…..with my usual/lack-of-compliance)…..

…..I’m pretty sure I would have (& still do) comfortably slipped into several learning-disability categories…..especially when I get tired…..

But with a little denial…..a smattering or ignor-ation…..and the magical world of spell-check…..

…..I get by…..

…..well…..Duck!…..that’s all I’ve ever needed…..


~~~~~~~~~~~~~But back to my original Post~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wanted to talk about…..

…..The Handkerchief…..

The ‘kerchief is a necessary/daily/farm accompaniment & accoutriment…..

It’s one of the most important things in my (Patrice’s) pockets…..

…..well…..that along with a jack-knife…..a lighter (you never know when you’re going to need fire)… camera… notebook… lucky rocks… other lucky rocks… Sig P-365… shopping list…..and assorted picked-up trash & litter…..

…..oooooh…..and pens…..lots of pens… always need pens…..

…..Patrice’s pockets have many important things in them…..

…..and they are all precious…..

But I’ve found that I really can’t function without my bandanas…..

…..firstly…’s Florida…..

…..secondly…..I’m post-menopausal… I schvitz & sweat a lot…..

…..I work hard…..& I’m always sweaty… there’s that…..

But my bandanas have ever so many more uses…..

…..I couldn’t live without them…..

My schmutz-rags (a.k.a. my bandana)  *****Schmutz Defined*****

Sloane Modeling My Impromptu-Bandana-Collar…

…..are great for choking out a Wolfhound or two when necessary… it can easily double as an impromptu/twisted collar…..

…..they are great at dealing with hot electric fence wires… can pull & hold a hot wire without getting zapped…..

…..(unless it’s raining…..or unless it’s too sweaty)…..

…..(I learned that one from experience)…..

I’ve found that flailing bandanas at charging beasts (and children) usually slows them down or at best deters their trajectory (and gives you time to hide)…..

…..I can leave my bandana hanging in different/obvious places so it’s a visible flag to remind me to turn off a hose…..or turn off (or on) the electric fence…..or fill up a gas tank…..or lots of otherwise easily forgotten tasks…..

…..I’ve even developed a knack for semi-convincing a horse that they actually have a halter on and that they should follow me…..(sometimes it works/sometimes it doesn’t)…..

All in all… schmutz-rags are a prioritized-addition to Patrice’s pockets every morning…..

Not pretty…..but they get the job done…..

…..(there…..don’t you feel so much more informed now?)…..

…..(it never ceases to amaze me that I can talk for so long about absolutely nothing)…..

…..(my work here is done)…..







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