+++Navigating The Amazon+++

+++Navigating The Amazon+++

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…(fyi—there’s a snake in that puddle photo)…

You know that expression…”Hiding in Plain Sight”……

I’ve decided the Amazon Warehouses fall into that category…..

***(Amazon Warehouse/Chaotic/Efficiency—their words…not mine)***

Remember the closing scene from “Raider’s of the Lost Ark”…where the Ark was stored in a non-descript crate and left somewhere in a monstrous/gigantic/dusty warehouse?…..

***(The Warehouse Scene From “Raiders of the Lost Ark”)***

…..well…I’ve decided…that’s the Amazon Warehouses…they’re really Black Holes…hiding in plain sight…..

…..with their whimsical/disarming half-smile-logo…to put us at ease…and disarm us…..

…..they have already applied the String-Theory to optimize marketing and subdue us all into materialistic-bliss…..

Hay String Theory

Those of you who are Amazon-Primed-People might agree with me…..

How can so much obscure stuff be filed away in a nearby warehouse…..?…..

…..where it’s able to be “primed” your way in a matter of seconds…..?…..

…..to be delivered to your doorstep in nano-moments…..?…..

…..even with gasoline prices exploding…..?…..

I mean…it just doesn’t parallel rational thought…..?…..

I’ve driven past a local Amazon warehouse here in Florida…..

………….it was HUGE………….

They probably have employee trolley cars from the parking lot…just like Disney World…..

…..today you are parked in Goofy–#Three…that’s Goofy–#Three…..

…..(those of you who have driven to Disney World understand)…..

As we all know…I am a dinosaur…collagen ran away screaming years ago…..

…(this catalog’s not in English…but you get the idea)…

…..but I have the distinction of having bought from the Sears (and Roebuck) catalog AND the Montgomery Wards catalog…..

…..and there was even a Penney’s catalog at one time…(but it was tiny)…..

Every year…I remember looking forward to the Spring catalog edition…for the summer fashions…but having to buy from the newsprint/sales inserts from the past-winter sales…(to wear the next year)…..

…..(it was hard to look trendy)…..

So Amazon’s providing things to you…at your doorstep…before you even realize you might ever want them………….It Explodes My Tiny Mind…..!…..

Here’s an example of something obscure that Amazon had On-Hand…..

…..you may recall that we thought we might need Mare’s Replacement Colostrum powder for a foal…and damn if Amazon didn’t have it in stock…and listed for Prime-Delivery!…..

…..I mean it was Great!…but who has that?…In Stock…filed accurately with appropriate SKU’s…ready for immediate shipment…to find our dead-end road in the swamp…in a matter of a couple hours?…..

I’m still trying to wrap my head around that one…..

…..you know how I get hung-up on my house-wife logic…..(?)…..

But seriously…have there ever been extremely-unique/left-handed doo-dahs that you’ve been able to Prime to your doorstep within a couple hours?…..?…..

…..It Boggles The Mind…..(!)…..

I just looked up purchasing a “milking stand for goats”………….and apparently I can get one by the afternoon…..(?)…..and I have a choice of styles and colors…..(!)…..

The Amazon Warehouses…ARE Black Holes…Time Folds In There…..

…..I just know it…..

Look up a vulture effigy…or ghost trackers…or left-handed snowmobile throttles…..

…..you can have them by tomorrow…..

Wow…I guess we’re not in Kansas anymore…..




#wizardofoz #kansas


#goatmilkstand #ghostbusters #snowmobile #raidersofthelostark #theark

#ikea #vortex #mailorder #amazon #amazonprime #cardboardbox #shippingtape #forklift

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