***My Sad Truck!***

***My Sad Truck!***

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My truck desperately needs some TLC…..

We are now in the deep middle of Florida’s sub-tropical/humid/hot/hot/hot summer…..

…..remember a few months ago…when dear Molly evacuated her bowels totally all over my truck’s old/cracked upholstery…..

…..(and then she proceeded to finger-paint and skate all over my truck’s back seat)…..

…..I scrubbed and I scrubbed…..

I’m here to say…that now with the advent of July’s humid/sticky heat…..

…..things aren’t going well from an olfactory-standpoint…while you’re in my truck…..

…..what can I say?…..my truck’s gag-worthy!…..

I’ve talked with my new mechanic (Larry)…and he did NOT recommend re-upholstering…..

…..he recommended getting totally new (used) seats from a junkyard…..

…..(probably not a bad idea)…..

…..(Molly really did a number on my truck)…..(#2—actually—HA!)…..

So that’s the plan…..

…..and then there’s the 4-wheel drive………….It’s kaput…..

It’s supposed to change with a flip of a switch from inside the cab…..

…..(It Never Has)…..

We’ve always had to go out to the wheel hubs directly to manually change the levers to switch out from 2-wheel drive to 4-wheel…..

…..no big deal…..

Now it won’t even do that…I guess…it’s time to fix it…..

*******But Wait There’s More*******

The truck’s A/C sometimes spits out crisp/cold air…and sometimes it’s hot/re-circultated/poopie-smelling steam…..

…..it’s just too much to deal with…(gagging is not conducive to attentive/safe driving)…..

…..plus…4-wheel drive is super necessary to haul horse trailers through muddy cow pastures on the way to Hunt fixtures…..

…..I’m tired of the constant nausea from Molly’s tap dancing in her diarrhea last autumn…..

…!@#$%^&^%$#@!  Itchy Horses…

Oh!…and maybe Larry can put that suction-thing on the fenders and suck out a couple of the dents that the itching Clydesdales put there?…..

…..maybe a new paint-job too?…..

…..I Live and Dream…..





#subtropical #nausea

#fordf350dieseltruck #duallytruck #diarrhea #clydesdale #foxhunt #4wheeldrive #a/c #reupholstery

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