***My Apple***

***My Apple***

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You served me well…..

I’m not sure how old you are…I didn’t think you were that old…but maybe in computer-years…you’re ancient…..

I tried to take good care of you…I really did…..

But you are in the process of sputtering and sparking out…..

Some of your recent noises have been………….disturbing…..

I’ve been told (and lectured) about not keeping so many tabs open…and then…I had to be told what a tab was…..

…..(apparently I had eighteen open the other day)—(I thought there were only three)…..

I just figured they were a good idea…because for someone with self-diagnosed ADD…that’s how I remember what I’m going to do next…(or what I just did)…..

But that abuse of tabs seems to be a No-No…..

I may have taxed my computer’s little soldered synapses beyond the max…..

Who knew my computer was so delicate(?)…..

I mean…I didn’t heave you…or drop you…(often)…(that I’m admitting to)…..

…..and I don’t think it was the PopTart crumbs…because I’ve sworn off them…(for the moment)…..

But you’ve developed a computerized typhoidal-hack…..

I’m expecting you to start puking bits and bytes out of one of your ports at any moment…..

You and I have had “AppleCare” since the beginning…..

We’ve sent you in for scrutiny multiple times…each time you’ve come back…and started spewing again…..

You sound like an old bi-plane who’s getting started on a cold morning…the only thing missing (so far) are the back-fires…..

I’m pretty sure a vibrating/thumping keyboard is not a good thing either…..

I’ll miss you…my chootchie-cheeked McIntosh…..

My older daughter…(who can talk tech-ie)…has fielded the phone calls to the Apple people for me…..

My ability to use computer-lingo with computer nerds…is…non-existent…..

I’m sure I would just irritate them…..

During her last conversation…they said they’d just replace my computer…with a new one(?)…..

I’m having mixed emotions…..

Where a new reliable/quiet computer would be a relief…I feel like I’ve developed a friendly working relationship with this specific machine…..

…..maybe it’s even becoming a little sentient…(cantankerous)…but sentient…..

The exchange will be a day of mixed emotions…..

I guess I’ll have to erase my porn…..







#horoscope #applecare #applecomputer #macbook #sentient #mcintoshapple

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