

It’s the day after…..


We pulled off the oven-roasted—19 1/2 lbs  turkey…..

…..and the stuffing…..

…..(with extra giblets…..I DO like myself a good giblet)…..

…..(I’ve never gotten into oysters in my dressing)…..

…..(cooked/diced organ meat, yes…..cooked/diced crustacean, no)…..


The obligatory bean casserole was predictably/wholesomely yummy…..especially with those fun & crunchy onion rings…..

…..oh, and let’s not forget the wonderfully/puckering cranberry sauce…..

…..why is that jellied-delight only served one (or two)…..(or three) times a year?…..

…..I love that stuff…..

…..we’ve already covered the baked sweet potatoes…..with way too much smooshed/sweet butter in their skins…..

…..epicurean Nirvana…..

…..(but now I have a carb-headache)…..

But the pies…..ahhhhhh…..

Apple Pie

We nailed it!…..

You see…..

…..I’ve had this phobia (which I will only discuss with you, Pascal)…..

My Taciturn Friend, Pascal…(see—Glossary)

…..I’ve NEVER been able to make a decent pie crust…..

…..my Grandmother did…..my Mother did…..

…..my older daughter does…..with ease!…..(sigh)…..

…..but me…..

…..not so much…..

…..in fact…..hardly ever…..

…..it appeared to have skipped my generation…..

…..pie-crust-preparation would always polish my vernacular of cuss-words…..

…..and my topographical dough-art on the kitchen ceiling…..

But our last baking extravaganza with my daughter…..got me past that!…..

I broke through that pie-crust-making-barrier…..(I think)…..

My daughter refers to them as her dough-babies…..


I’ve followed suit and coined the same name…..

…..(it was much better than what I used to call them)—(vernacularly)…..

She helped me measure/add/mix…..but above all…..”feel” for the right “feel” of the dough…..

…..where “the babies” are work-able…..won’t stick to the rolling pin…..won’t crumble apart…..

…..and look pretty…..

Plus…..the damned recipe changes slightly from day to day…..

…..depending on the weather…..

…..don’t laugh…..

…..it really does…..

***(note the dog tooth marks on the knife handle…..everything is chewed on here)***

My dough-babies aren’t perfect yet…..

…..it’s a work in progress…..

…..but I’m getting there…..

…..now, I have to start chipping off my topographical-dough-ceiling-art…..


*****Things To Be Thankful For*****

*****Dough Babies*****






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