Murder Hornets?…..C’mon!

Murder Hornets?…..C’mon!

Bees have been around…………..forever…….

Who am I to think I could better plan what’s best for them…….

BOTH of my hives have abandoned me and are still empty.

But why???

Earlier when I had three consecutive puppy litters in a row…..

…..I wasn’t able to keep up with giving them sugar syrup on a regular basis…..

…..but I thought they were well-established with new brood & stored honey…..

…..I figured they had to do their part too (just a little bit…….right?)…..

…..and not just be (bee?) belly-up-to-the-bar for my sugar-water freebies…..?

…..I don’t get why they absconded…..

…..they didn’t die…..

…..they weren’t robbed…..(at least the residual signs didn’t point to that)…

I’m confused…

I’m thinking………….I’ll try again…..

…..but that will have to wait until next spring……

…..’cuz we are in a dearth right now…..

…’s so sad…….

…..I am truly verklempt…….

…..I took good care of them…….

…..I fed them regularly…….

…..I checked them daily…….

…..the little bastards just up and decided to leave…….

But Why?!?!?!?!?!



OMG!!!   OMG!!!   OMG!!!

They can grow to two inches long!?!?!?!?!?


MURDER HORNETS…….!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

They have been found on the west coast in the state of Washington (so far)…..

Poor Little Beasles

…………………isn’t that just swell?…………………

…………………they tear the heads off honey bees!…………………


Jimmy Billy has built a deck for my hives…….

…’s in a slightly different location with a better (more luxurious) eastern exposure…..

…..I have rubber pans to put under all of its supporting legs…..

…..I figure I can fill the pans with used diesel oil or kerosene or something…..

(Where The Rubber Pans Will Go)

… drowned those damned carpenter ants…..

…..GAME ON!!!… creepy crawlers!!!


(she says while abjectly screaming into the swamp—–to anyone who will listen)…..

(fyi…..the goats don’t)…..

… would be an up-hill battle if I tried starting new hives right now in this summer’s heat…..

…..without a lot of nectar flow…..

…..followed by winter, without anything blooming…..


…..I feel an obligation to Mother Nature…..

(I do)

…..and I’m stubborn if I’m anything…….

…..damned beasles…..

…..damned ants…..





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