—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

So…..I haven’t mowed yet…

It’s just so HOT out there…..(“feels like” temperature of around 106F)

I heard that there’s some sort of (fairly) rare Sahara Desert dust cloud that is blowing over us right now…

Something about it being the first time it’s been this bad in over fifty years…..(?)…..

…..that’s a thing?…..

It’s happened before…..(?)…..

*****The Gorilla Dust Storm*****

If I’m not mistaken…..isn’t there the Atlantic Ocean in between us and the Sahara Desert…..(?)

…..but…..then again…..

*****Hurricane Fun Facts*****

…..isn’t that where our hurricanes start…..(?)…..

…..(which I don’t understand either…it’s something about Mother Nature & the Earth’s rotation?…..I think…)

I wonder how this will affect this year’s hurricane season…..(?)…..

*****The Gorilla Dust Cloud & Hurricanes*****

…..(it’ll probably make things worse…..)

…..(and let’s not forget about the Niño-siblings out there in the Pacific (my judgy older daughter had to put the tilde on the “n” for me)…

Those Niño kids have something to do with hurricanes, too…..)

…..(I have no idea what they are up to either…..)

*****Explanation Of The Niño Children*****

However…..we’re almost at the end of June…..and usually by this time of year, we’re mired in hip-deep mud…..


BUT…..that doesn’t change the fact that I am definitely procrastinating about mowing…..

(…..that black vinyl seat always burns my butt…..)

***Burning Butt~~~Get It?***

…..and any of the tractor’s metal that I touch or lean on brands me too…..


So…..in the most immature way…..I’ve convinced myself that the horses need to graze down the GOOD grass first…..before I mow down all of the not-so-good grass…..

Anja & Poppy Eating The “Good” Grass

…..hey, it works for me…..

Over the last few days, I have easily walked past the tractor and the bush hog (while leading the mares in and out of the front and back yard…..)

Addy Eating The “Good” Grass Too

……this is all so that they can eat the “good” grass before I mow…..

More “Good” Grass

I’m also justifying not mowing because Poppy & Anja have motored through all of their round bales that were delivered this month…..

…..they are actually out of hay…..

…..and the grass is just sitting there…..un-eaten…..

…..so, I will embrace a popular Scarlet O’Hara quote…..

………………….”After all…..tomorrow is another day”…………………

(for mowing)





2 thoughts on “—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

    1. I finally mowed everything…
      …now I have to take the mower pan off and put the forklift back on and take out a big alfalfa bale to Claire & Brave…
      …and it’s SO HOT!
      …I’ll never be a hand-model…

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