Moving Forward Slowly…..

Moving Forward Slowly…..



We will probably never know exactly how it happened.

If we’re lucky, we may find out specifically what did happened.

I can’t entertain for too long what I think happened………………

That’s a dark side of my brain that is best left untouched…………..there’s nothing productive and positive there…..              But, still…..

There are still a few tests out, but not many.

There is kismet………………and then there are people…

House-wife-logic has a good application here…

And common-sense observation rules.




Awkwardly and forcibly changing the subject…

~~~~~I have turkey eggs incubating in the dining room~~~~~

Well, it’s not like there’s a hay-filled nest of them in the corner under a heat lamp…

But, my new birthday present of a few years back is having it’s debut.

It’s on the butler’s table in the dining room on top of a couple of cookie racks.

This one’s digital.

It tells me how many days until hatching.  It tells me what the humidity level is.  It also let’s me know the temperature to the 1/2 degree.

Plus………………..wait for it…………………drum roll, please……………

It turns the eggs too!         HUGE plus!!!          HUGE!

No more waking in the middle of the night and running out to the old incubators to hand turn the little darlings!        No, no, no.

This is all automated & digital (I prefer manual & analog…..of course).  But I am able to sleep through the night without quite so many dreams about poached eggs.

But, I don’t trust it.

It’s too shiny.  It’s just too efficient.  It probably isn’t working right.

I swear the turner position is in the same position every time I look through the “viewing glass-portal” (and I look in a lot).

Time will tell…… terms of if they hatch or not.

“This Is Not A Buff Orpington…….Maybe It’s A Red-Laced Wyandotte?……….(Stock Photo—Not One Of Our Ladies.)”

I also sneaked (although I prefer using the non-existent word “snuck”) a couple of turkey eggs under one of the broody Buff Orpington hens who is currently setting on a nest in Stalag-Coop.

Boy, she’s going to have a surprise when her kids hatch out…………….

………………..What is wrong with those two?  Look at those knees!  And those beaks!!!………………          Geez, they’re taller than I am!

I love it.

I’ve also got a duck-order combined with a friend’s duck-order that should be arriving shortly.

These will be mail-order ducklings………………don’t be surprised, we’ve covered this before………………the U.S. Postal, Over-Night Service to the Rescue!     See (“It’s All About the Ribbons (And the Fried Food)”—Post/Published—February 26, 2018).

Ta!  Da!

The two Pekin ducks that we currently have (Duck-Duck & Goose) will soon have buddies.

I’m branching out and trying some Runner Ducks. The black ones look like they are right out of Edgar Allen Poe-esque writings.

So, you know, we’ll have to have a Lenore and a Raven, and an Edgar, and a Poe.

Maybe if I raise these babies from the brooder to the coop, and then out to free-range———-then, maybe, they will teach Duck-Duck and Goose to come back into the coop at sunset.

Right now, my older daughter has to go out nightly after sunset and find them (where ever they might be hiding) in order to put them back into the coop for over-night-safety.                    Dumb Ducks.

That chore really cuts into her social life…………………..

“Sorry, honey…………I can’t make that movie showing, I have to put my ducks to bed.”

Yep, she’s been scarred for life…


My work here is done…………………….







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