**Mounted Hound Walk—A Choice**

**Mounted Hound Walk—A Choice**

I had a choice this weekend…….

Should I attend the necessary “virtual” symposium about sports medicine for Athletic Trainers…….


…..should I go…….to the Mounted Hound Walk…..(?)…..

“Fly Girl”

I knew what I wanted to do…….

…..but I also knew what I “should” do…….

This is usually the time of year when I have to go to Kissimmee, Florida for my annual three-day sports medical seminar…

I hate the “should’s” in life…….

They are usually so predictably boring…….

…..and I wasn’t disappointed…….

…..so my younger daughter and I didn’t choose to go to the Mounted Hound Walk…….

…..we missed seeing Simone & Ester & Mary Constance & Lola & Eliza & Devana…….

…..it was held on one of our favorite ranches too…

…..they raise “Belted Galloway” cows…..I was looking forward to seeing this year’s babies…..

…..but no such luck…….

Not A Belted Galloway

***Info On Oreo Cows***

…..instead…..I was stuck at the kitchen table in front of my laptop…..

…..listening to boring/repetitive lectures about gait-analysis and the Q-Angle…..

***EVERYTHING You NEVER Wanted To Know About the “Q-Angle”***

I suppose there was a time (decades ago) when I found that stuff so very interesting…….

…..but in my lifetime…..human anatomy won’t have an opportunity to evolve that much…….

…..so…..lots of these anatomical lectures are r-e-p-e-t-i-t-i-v-e…….

…..however…..I need the continuing educational units (C.E.U.’s) to renew my licenses (both national and state)…….

***Slap Lesion Re-Visited***

That means (by now)—I’ve (easily) heard duplicate lectures on “slap lesions”…..”Q-angles”…….(et al)…….well over twenty or thirty times…

…..plus the current (and ever changing) formulas for C.P.R. with its mixtures of compressions and ventilations for one or two person rescues…….sigh…

…..(I was certified in 1977)…

…..does anyone out there remember the “Precordial Thump”?…….

…..I do…….

***Precordial Thump—–What’s Not To Love?***

…..I was first taught the P-Thump in the late ’60’s…….?


…..(geez, am I THAT old?)…….

So…I guess at this point…..y’all can see why I would have preferred to go with our Huntsman Devana to the Mounted Hound Walk…….

Devana And The Foxhounds

…..having a chance to check out the new black & white, fuzzy calves would have been sooooooooooooo preferred…….

…..but nooooooooooooo…….

…..that stupid/responsible old broad (in my head) had to step in and say…….

……sit down and listen to the boring lectures…….


…..but a “Virtual” Conference doesn’t even offer the complimentary bowls of chocolates…..or the fluffy hand-towels to steal…..(I never would)…..

…..I’m going to go sulk now…….





4 thoughts on “**Mounted Hound Walk—A Choice**

  1. The thing is, it’s over now. You are either complete for this cycle, or on your way. I will need mine in the next few months. I did finally let go of my X-ray AART certification when we left PBC for Suwannee county. Now I only need 24 ceu’s plus laws, etc… instead of 48 for both licenses. Phew 😅

    1. It gets old, doesn’t it?
      I’m sitting and listening to the National Convention lectures now…..aaauuuggghhh!
      I remember when you first told me about this new-fangled magnetic imaging machine that was coming out…..remember that? That was when we were working together at the tennis tournament at the Polo Club…..right? Or was it Delray Beach?

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