Molly & Willow

Molly & Willow

*****(Disclaimer—–Don’t Try This At Home)*****

Today we had a major slap-down/bitch-fight between two senior Irish Wolfhound females…..

We don’t have them often…..rarely in fact…..

…..but with multiple “whole” male and female hounds (not neutered or spayed Wolfhounds)…..its not surprising…..

We normally keep a tight lid on these things…..

…..but today?…..not so much…..

…..they aren’t just pets…..they’re a pack…..

I don’t really know what started it………….I watched the whole thing unfold—–very…VERY quickly…..

It was a full-blown…..fur-flying…..attack-mode fight for what appeared to be no reason at all…..

Hats off to both my daughters…..they knew exactly what to do…..

…..everything kicked into brass-tack/business-mode immediately…..


…..the door was slammed on Danny (the tiny Papillon) to keep him inside and out of harms way…..

… younger daughter kept the Jack Russell (Drogo) up and out of reach of the fray…..(even though the little dude just knew he could stir the *@#$%$#@ professionally and whip everything into an even higher froth)…..

Drogo was a major handful for her to hang on to…..


I can list all of the things that should have been done to break-up the dog fight…..

I can also list all of the things that shouldn’t have been done in the middle of snapping jaws and flying saliva…..

I DO know these things………….I really do…..

Did I apply ANY of them…..?…..

…..oh, hell no…..!!!…..

I was deep in the middle of the snapping and snarling…..(and not all of it was being done by the hounds)…..

… older daughter ran from the other end of the house…..


…..and Molly was having trouble breathing…..

I grabbed some available kindling and tried to lever Willow’s jaw open………….the kindling snapped…..

…..I tried to pry Willow’s jaw open (with my hands)—–(bad choice—I know)…..

…..I wasn’t successful…..(miraculously I still have ten digits)…..

…..when my older daughter arrived, she had a riding crop in hand…..and started wailing on any part of Willow that she could reach (and a little bit of me too)…..

(it’s hard to take real-time photos in that sort of situation)…(just saying)

…..NONE of it made one iota’s bit of difference…..

…..we were hefting and throwing them to try to separate them…..


Finally Willow slackened her jaw’s grip to get a better bite and we took advantage of the timing to heave Molly out of Willow’s neck snapping-trajectory…..

…..she lost her balance & reeled backwards…..and out the porch door…..(which my younger daughter summarily slammed shut in her face)…..

…..and that’s where she is now…..

In the meantime…..I’ve found the muzzles…..I’m charging the electric collars…..we’ve checked Molly all over…..and me too…..

…..I seem to be the only one who’s worse for wear…..

…..I’ve been iced…..the puncture wounds have been scrubbed out…..and slathered in ointment…..

**************BUT~~~I’m Ready For Round Two**************

I WILL re-establish Who Is Alpha-Bitch Here…..!!!……(it’s me)…..

I have to…..otherwise there’d be total chaos…..

An Abject Willow

Bring it on, Willow!!!

I’m the one with opposable-thumbs and the use of electricity!

……..the bitch doesn’t pay the mortgage…..

(Personally…..I’m glad we all have our current tetanus shots.)

(Just Another Day At The Oasis…)






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