



Who doesn’t love a Minion?

Anyone who wears over-alls is A-Okay with me.



And let’s not forget Dr. Nefario…………or Russell Brand (his voice in the movie)…………both are unique, stand-out personalities.


*****Never Gets Old*****

I looked up the explanation of the Minion’s language.

I know I could be naturally fluent in Minion-ese.


I did a quick computer search and found out that Minion-ese is a combination of languages…………..Italian, French, Filipino, Spanish and then various foods…

It seems to have been a last minute idea by the movie’s directors.

*****How To Speak “Minion-ese”*****

Wouldn’t it be nice if life were as simple and black & white (and yellow) as the Minions seem to make it?

Even Kevin, when he floated off into space, seemed to be care-free………… wait, I think that was Stuart…

~~~~~~~~~There’s not a great deal of substance or worth in this posting…..but then there’s not a great deal of substance or worth going on in my head right now~~~~~~~~


*****And If You Didn’t Get Enough*****






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