***Mama Pig’s In The House***

***Mama Pig’s In The House***

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Mama Pig

Remember when Mama Pig’s boy toy ran away after their nice new pen was finished being constructed?…..

…..he made that aquaman-escape through the cattails…..

…..the last time we saw him…..he was hysterically splashing and doing his best breaststroke due east through the swamp…..

…..never to be seen again…..


…..three months and three weeks and three days (115) later (a sow’s gestation)…..piglets arrived…..

Okay…..Okay…..Okay…..we are the worst at chaperoning boy pigs and girl pigs…..

…..(here we go again)……

BUT…..we WON’T let the avalanche of porcine reproduction occur again this time…..

…..we really won’t…..

…..I swear…..(on my Bar-B-Q pork rinds)…..that won’t happen again…..

Sooooo…..Mama Pig and her babies are doing well…..thank you for asking…..

She’s eating for seven…..

She likes her increased square footage in her new pig pen…..

She may have been a feral hog at one point in her life…..but she’s liking the domestic bliss and regular meals now…..

Mama Pig’s New Pen…

…..and her babies are thriving…..

…..Life is Good…..

…(not Mama Pig…just another adipose-challenged sow)…






#wildpig #sow #piglet #porkrinds #cattails #swamp #porcine

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