~Making Modifications~

~Making Modifications~

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When you live on a farm and you are living cheek & jowl with various animals…..

…..you have to learn to think like them…..

…..you have to try to think ahead of them…..

…..honestly………….they are ALWAYS plotting against you…..

Recently I had to make some “Anja-Adjustments”…..

…..she’s a tricksy little horse…..

…..she likes her meals…..

…..she likes her munchies…..

Addy & Anja

In true red-neck-fashion…..we let her wander around the front yard…..

…..she greets the UPS man…..she follows the FedX guy to and from his truck…..

She frisks them totally for snacks…..

…..(our FedX man doesn’t mind…..he’s just happy we got rid of the geese…..they drew blood)…..

Anja is usually looking in and standing right outside the dining room window…..

…..but that’s okay…..

…..I can keep my eye on her and my younger daughter when they hang out together………….communing…..

…..Anja’s a thinking horse…..

…..she makes plans…..she charts them out in the sand at night with her hoof…..

…..she plots…..

…..Anja’s a mare with a mission…..

…..snackles are her focus…..

Recently she’s learned how to knock down the barricade that has worked up to this point…..

Anja Started Knocking This Hay Pallet/Barricade Down & Walking Over It…

…..the barricade that keeps her away from the side garage door…..

…..(and where all the feed is stored)…..

(Non) Electric Spring Gate…

So I contrived a new idea and used what visually looked like an electrified spring gate…..Anja’s seen them in action before…..

…..I was hoping it would keep her out of the garage…..

It semi has…..

…..with some trims & repairs from over-stretching…..after a remorseful Fjord tried unsuccessfully sneaking underneath it…..

Over-Sprung (and repaired) Spring Gate…

Even though it was an expensive spring…..it brought a smile to my face knowing what had to have been the pudgy pony’s reaction when she tried to get through it…..

Mental images like that make my day…..







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