Less Ducks In A Row?

Less Ducks In A Row?

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Remember my post…back the end of May…when Doctor Brigid and I were sipping “tea” on the mounting block and watching for the Runner Duck hen to come off her nest for food & water?…..

…..and we waited…..

…..and we waited…..

…..and she never showed…..

*************Guys—I’m a little slow on the up-take*************

…..maybe she’s not on a nest?…..

…..maybe she’s not coming back?…..

Maybe she was one of Rocket’s first meals?………….(well…damn)…..

In hindsight…(why is hindsight always so crystal clear & prophetic?)…she went missing about (or started setting on a nest)…about the same time as Caesar got killed by Mr. Raccoon…..

…..not a good coincidence…hmmmmm?…..

And here’s another “Ah-Ha Moment”…..

The day after the first duck hen went missing (or nesting)…two other ducks went missing (or nesting) too…..

I guess right about now…I should really stop hoping that the three ducks are alive and/or incubating eggs…..

…..BUT…Hope Springs Eternal…..

…..(especially for those who are slow on the uptake)…..

If I count the appropriate days for the incubation of duck eggs (28.5 days)…..

…..then they should be hatching within the next week…..

Well…what do you think?………….I want a show of hands…..

…..who thinks there will be Mama ducks waddling out of the bushes with their ducklings in tow?…..

That would be nice wouldn’t it?…..

…..Who doesn’t think so?………….sadly…I think that’s my vote too…..

At this point it looks like Rocky/Rocket Raccoon has chalked up a hefty body count…..

…..and it seems like he did it all within a 72 hour spree(?)…..

…..Busy Boy…..

Is he gone?…..

Oh…Hell No…..

…..but I’ve become more…FOCUSED…..

I close up the coop every night as soon as it gets dark…I check & count the remaining eight Runner ducks…..

…..I don’t know how many chickens he’s gotten…..

The hot wire on the chicken coop is still snapping away…I check it nightly…along with running security duty with my flashlight before going to bed…..

…..(I get a little hyper-fixated when it comes to rural poultry warfare)…..

Just ask my daughters…..

Words like…crazed…searing obsession…meshugener alter kocker…deranged compulsion…will be mentioned…..

***It’s Hag versus Mister Raccoon***







#meshugener #alterkocker #taurusultralite

#runnerducks #duckeggs #raccoon #guardiansofthegalaxy #rockyraccoon #rocketraccoon #yiddish

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