***Leaking Hose & Sparking Toad***

***Leaking Hose & Sparking Toad***

They do rhyme…but they aren’t related…

Other than…they all needed to be fixed…

With a farm and an old house…..there are always repairs…..on-going/mind-dumbing repairs…

Maybe if I won the lottery…..everything could get fixed…

But that would mean I would have to remember to buy a lottery ticket…

I never seem to…

After paying for groceries…I’m too busy trying to get my unmelted Blue Bell ice cream into the truck…and I don’t remember to buy a ticket…

So…..forget hiring farm help with the lottery winnings…..

…..it’s all on us…

***I am “surging” forward with fixing the pig’s pen…

Current Pig Sty

It’s a muddy mess…..but what can you expect…..?

…..it is (after all) a pig sty…..

So far…..I have successfully balanced and lifted two telephone pole posts into place…

It’s a muddy/creosote-ridden dance with the tractor…

They’re SO heavy…..if I loose that precious/delicate balance while hefting it into position…

12′ Telephone Pole Successfully In Place

…..then I could get badly pancaked…

Digging extra large post holes is not that hard this time of year…

Shadow Of Aunt Fran (my hat) & Me

…..everything is soft & wet & muddy…

It’s a big, big project…..but it has to be done…

…..I’m at the messy bottom of that proverbial hill…..

(FYI—I hate creosote-saturated splinters)

***And then there’s the bloated hose that is going to burst at any moment…..(one of many actually)…

It’s been ignored for awhile…

It needs splicing and clamping…

…..the sun & the heat are really hard on hoses down here…

***Later today I have to replace a rotted board that is no longer holding a hinge for the ramp for the chicken coop…

It was both sad (and humorous) watching the flock spill out of the coop in the morning…..without a ramp…

Chicken Coop Ramp Repair

…they were expecting their usual ramp…

***Earlier I had to seek out and remediate the cause of some major crackling of a fence wire…

It turned out to be the unfortunate end for an unlucky toad…

The poor/bloated thing was arc’ing out and acting as a sad/animated ground for the fence’s electrical charge…

Poor Mister Toad’s Wild Ride

That was a simple fix (for me…not the toad)…

It just took a well-timed swipe of an adequately-long stick…..to get the poor toadie-carcass out of the electricity’s path…

***Then back inside the house to do dishes…laundry…and make a nutritious dinner…….

…..Just another day at the oasis…….(but not for the toad)…





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