Killian Wasn’t Kidding

Killian Wasn’t Kidding

*****Killian~~~Not A Great Photo~~~But A Very Pregnant Wolfhound*****

Well it wasn’t a false pregnancy.

Killian went into sporadic labor yesterday for over eighteen hours………….and produced no puppies…

In my experience, Irish Wolfhounds are notorious for uterine-inertia…

They just forget about continuous/productive labor contractions…

…..they seem to forget about having puppies…..

So after a quick/informative telephone conversation with my Irish Wolfhound veterinarian, Dr. Russell, we drove Killian to his office…….to make a better decision on the next step.

X-rays confirmed Killian was indeed pregnant, and that the puppies’ skeletal structures were indeed calcified…….(that’s was a good thing——-that meant they had cooked inside her long enough).

Dr. Russell (an alias, of course) is a great, rural, no-nonsense vet.

His observations and input are something I listen to very intently.

And Dr. Russell recommended a c-section because Killian wasn’t trying (in the least) to actually push her babies out into this world.

During past Irish Wolfhound deliveries, we’ve found that Oxytocin has virtually no affect whatsoever…

It’s a drug that should stimulate contractions of the uterus during whelping…

In my experience, Oxytocin doesn’t do a thing for Wolfhounds.


*****So let the games begin!*****

Killian and Dr. Russell delivered seven puppies…

They have nursed successfully, so far…

Killian’s producing ample colostrum, as well as milk…….so far…

One little girl is super tiny compared to her brothers and sisters…

Let’s say our prayers and keep our fingers & toes & eyes crossed…

It’s time for round the clock care & observation & nurturing, along with stupid late-night movies/and info-mercials of things you never needed but now can’t live without…….

…..I should soon look gorgeous after exfoliating my elbows/moisturizing with an air-brushed model’s secret formula/while cooking a fifteen-course meal in one/new/slow-cook/air/deep-frier (which is made of plastic, for just three easy payments of $39.95—shipping & handling included).






3 thoughts on “Killian Wasn’t Kidding

  1. 7? From what you have told me in the past that’s a large litter for wolfhounds. Don’t feel too bad about missing the pregnancy thing. Some friends of mine, who were not the indifferent parents at all, missed their 14 year old daughters pregnancy, came home from work one day and discovered said daughter had delivered a baby, by herself, on the bathroom floor. Everyone was fine physically.

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