~~~Keeping An Eye On Claire~~~

~~~Keeping An Eye On Claire~~~

Claire & Brave

As far as we know…..Claire should still be pregnant…..

If you remember…..after Doctor Reverend Stevie Wonder came back from mountain climbing in Antartica(?)…..


…..he came out to our place to palpate and flush Addy and Claire to ready them for breeding this last Spring…..

…..we never got to the flushing-stage of things…..

…..because at the palpation-stage…..Stevie Wonder found them both to be pregnant…..

Claire & Addy

So knowing that both girls were in foal (as of the beginning of February, 2020)…..

…..the next logical question would be…..

…..when would they be due to foal…..(?)…..(?)…..(?)…..

As we now know…..Addy foaled on June 10th…..

…..if she had carried her baby for the traditional eleven months…..

…..then when Stevie Wonder palpated her last February…..

…..Addy’s baby would have been seven months in utero at that point…..

We also know that Claire was pregnant last February…..

Brave You Sly Dog…

…..(don’t we?)…..

…..AND…..she hasn’t had her baby yet…..

Brave & Claire


So here’s some quick-housewife-math…..

Dr. Wonder came last February…..

…..counting backwards from that date…..with Claire carrying the traditional eleven months…..

…..then at the very latest…..she would foal in January…..right?…..


Doctor Wonder was able to “palpate” the baby…..

…..so he/or/she would have to have been large enough for him to be able to palpate AND feel a baby…..


Here’s some impregnating and foaling facts…..as I remember them…..

Once a mare has been bred and conceived…..

…..you can only ultrasound for a short window of time…..before the foal becomes too big on the ultrasound monitor…..(kind of within the first month)…..

…..after that the screen just becomes all baby…..and you can’t see any “details”…..

So here’s my conundrum………….

…..if Doctor Wonder was able to feel a foal inside Claire the first week in February…..

Brave & Claire

…..then it had to be big enough to “feel”…..(duh)…..

…..sooooooooooooo…..Claire ought to be delivering real soon right…..(?)…


…..well, okay then…..

Claire…..what’ll it be…..(?)…..

…..are you still preggers?…..

It’s November 9th…..

…..time’s a tickin’, honey…..

…..and we’re running short of it…..Claire…..

I’ll keep checking your udder daily…..and anything else that might indicate you’re pregnant…..

Addy’s Udder…..Not Claire’s…..(but you get the idea)…

…..you’ve had all the appropriate pre-foaling vaccinations and wormings…..

I guess I’ll just have to be patient…..

…..and let you and Mother Nature work this one out…..

Mother Nature

…………………(FYI:  patience has never been my strong point)…………………






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