Jimmy Billy Returns…………

Jimmy Billy Returns…………


Here’s my disclaimer…

Jimmy Billy knows better…

Jimmy Billy knows this place is one fresh disaster after another…


But still, he comes back…

Our farm is one of those places where you just don’t know where to begin…

EVERYTHING needs repairing or replacing…………….(or maybe just tossing out…)

He’s a brave man…


He’s intelligent———he’s a professional———and he appears to be lucid……………

………and yet he returns………(???)


If I was given the option……………

…………..I’m not so sure I would………(?)

Aw, yes I would~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


But———Jimmy Billy…Jimmy Billy…Jimmy Billy………….

(That last line reminds me of dialog from my daughters’ & my favorite movie:  “To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar”)

*****Bobby Ray…Bobby Ray…Bobby Ray…*****


We have two projects here that need prioritizing.


Number One:  Re-coating the 5-V-Crimp roof (tin roof)-(and I agree with the cat—it really can get scorching hot up there—I’ve seen it melt rubber soled shoes).


Number Two:  Reconstructing the wood shed…………and clearing out/chasing away/relocating whatever has hollowed out a home underneath it………..and if it’s not some sort of critter that has burrowed a home under the wood shed’s cement slab floor (which we hope it is)…………then it’s addressing the issue of a potential sink hole developing under the slab………..and under the house……….again…



We really don’t want to have to deal with another sink hole under the house…………….did I say another sink hole(???)…………….why yes, I did.


Yes Pascal (my friend in that “cloud-thingie” & my confidant to whom I write this blog), that would make it sink hole number four or would it be number five?

I’m not sure…………I’ll have to ask Paolo.

Some facts & data you just want to blank…


Sink Holes:  another plus for Florida living…………pristine beaches and gaping maws under your house.





We’ll never move.

We’d have to disclaim the holes.




I’ll have to devote an entire post (or two, or three) to the Saga of the Sink Holes)………….but for this post, we are just addressing the potential of a nocturnal critter hollowing out a home under the wood shed…………and not the existence of another sink hole.


And so~~~~~~~~Jimmy Billy returns with his truck of tools and imaginative repairs and talent…

Silly man…


The roof requires fairly straightforward maintenance to keep it from rusting and to keep it reflectiving the extreme summer heat……….


But the wood shed………….

It needs rebuilding………….

And the expulsion of whatever is living under it………….

Which remains to be seen………….








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