~~~It’s The ‘Tisms~~~

~~~It’s The ‘Tisms~~~

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I’m learning a new/cool/hip word…(does anyone even say “hip” anymore?)….

The new/hip word is “tisms”…as in “the ’tisms”…..

…..as in…I’ve got “the ’tisms”….

Over the years…I’ve actively thought I had ADD or ADHD…..

…..but I was before any academic and/or medical diagnostic categorizations…..

…..(and apparently ADD isn’t even a thing anymore…it’s all ADHD?)…..

I was just happily one of those kids who aggravated the teachers…and willingly moved to the back of the class…I liked it there…..

I do know that I’m a slow reader and when I get tired…the words scramble…but…that’s what your index finger’s for…..

…..it does make my books really messy with peanut butter or Spam-smears…..

Hey…I’ve made it this far with my methods…I’ll continue with my greasy fingers…..

I did find a positive observation when I lost vision in my right eye…I found it easier to read & track words?…and I haven’t given it much more thought than that…..

…..until recently…when my older daughter told me…I have “the ’tisms”…..

She’s gotten to that adult age…where she knows things…..

…..she’s always said I was hyper-active…(she just qualified that by saying that I still am…”on my good days”)…hmmmmm…..

But…apparently now…I have “the ’tisms” too!…..

…..by that I guess she means I have some sort of autism…..

She says our whole family is on some sort of vast scale…of “tism-isms”…(see what college education does to you?)…..

Maybe it doesn’t count in people “of an age”…because we were never diagnosed…therefore…”it” doesn’t exist…..

…..but it makes it sound like something I should be putting a cream on…..

I can just hear her yelling…”It’s Mom’s “Tisms” Acting Up Again!”…..


…..I Don’t Got No “Tisms”…..

I’m happy in the back of the class…I like books with pictures…and a slice of Spam works just fine as a bookmark!…..







#spam #autismscale #slowreader #add #adhd #learningdisability #

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