~It’s Soup Time~

~It’s Soup Time~

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We’re deep into our Florida winter months…..

The winter weather can be harsh…..and cold…..and hostile…..

…..my lips got chapped yesterday…..

…..(I think)…..

The temperature dropped into the forties…..

…..it might go lower tonight…..

I’m not worried about Long John Silver (our geriatric Cockatoo)…..

…..he’s on our porch now…..and it’s closed in…..

Long John Silver

…..so he’ll be warm and okay tonight…..

This is the time of year to make my traditional soup recipes…..

…..if I’m going to…..it’s the only chance I’ll have…..

My daughters were raised on “Pop Pop’s Soup”…..(split pea soup)…..

…..my Dad made it the best…..but I’ve been trying to carry on his tradition…..

…..(I bastardize it a bit)…..(I’m sure he’d frown on my alterations)…..

…..but it’s tasty and it’s hot…..

…..the trick is giving it enough/un-rushed time to work it’s magic in the pot…..

…..my father was even known to have it cold for breakfast…..then he would eat it with a fork…..

But my personal favorite is…..Beef Barley…..

…..I love barley…..

Throughout the year I’ll freeze bags of left-over prime rib juice or beef brisket stock and throw that into the soup…..

…..barley is just so much fun to roll around in your mouth and eat…..

…..it’s still my favorite…..

And we can’t forget that old stand-by…..

…..chicken noodle soup…..

Everyone makes it differently…..

…..the chicken and the noodles and the bay leaves always remain the same…..

…..but at my house the vegetables can vary…..

…..(it depends on the left-overs in my fridge and the freezer…..

I recently read about a study where there’s actually some enzyme or chemical or something that cooks out from the chicken skin that does help a person with a cold…..

…..I didn’t need a laboratory study to know that…..

A lot of my soups remind me of the old rhyme…..”Pease Porridge Hot”….

***Huh?  What’s A Pease?***

…..what can I say?…..

The split pea soup is a bit like that tonight…..

…..you see there were some left-over collard greens in the fridge…..

…..and they found their way in with the split peas…..

…..(ssshhhhhhh…..don’t tell Dad)…..






#chickensoup #soup #splitpeasoup ##beefbarleysoup #florida #winter #floridawinter

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