*It’s Pierogi Time!*

*It’s Pierogi Time!*

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What could possibly be better than a starchy carbohydrate…wrapped in a starchy carbohydrate(?)…..

I may have found the perfect food…..

This is an up-grade from mashed potatoes…..

…..this is mashed potatoes Three-Point-Oooooh…..

When I was young…I remember a lot of schnitzel…and cabbage rolls with various fillings…..

…..after all…I was raised northeast of Cleveland, Ohio…..

A lot of my relatives are of Germanic descent…but the Cleveland area has a large Polish population…I’m surprised I didn’t eat more Polish food while growing up…..

…………………The Pierogi…………………

In a word…Really Good Stuff…(well that’s three words…but you know what I mean)…..

So recently…my friend Doctor Brigid and I decided to learn how to make pierogi…..

…(this is not really the Doctor…but don’t you like her pink pom-pom earrings?)…(doesn’t everyone get dressed up in lingerie to make pierogi?)…

It was really good fun…we made a mess of her kitchen…her husband made up three different fillings…and then multiple…multiple pierogi were constructed…..

…..(apparently there is quite a debate on what is the correct plural spelling of pierogi)…(I don’t know)…(so I’m going to avoid it at all cost)…..

We all measured…and mixed…and kneaded…and rolled…and filled…and boiled…and fried…and ate multiple pierogi…(see how I avoided using the plural)…..

…my older daughter got in on the merriment…

…..there may have been bourbon involved…and not the mediocre kind…I swore I’d remember the name of the mixed cocktail recipe…..

…..but alas…no…(probably because of the better-than-mediocre bourbon)…..

In all my years…I’ve never boiled…then fried…any dough recipe…..

…..apparently there has been a hole in my culinary curriculum vitae…..

But I’ve done it now!…and it was super fun and easy!…..

Those little buggers just kept multiplying…..

Many…many…many…pierogi were made…potato & cheese filled…ground meat with sweet peppers…and mushy pea filling too…..

Doctor Brigid industriously at work…(nice shoes)…
…and me helping out…

They were all really good…and the assembly process was really really fun too…..

I felt like a bloated pierogi afterwards…..

Good Times…Good Food…..





#knobcreekbourbon #dicklebourbon #makersmark #townbranchbourbon #

#earlytimesbourbon #jimbeambourbon #wildturkeybourbon #larcenybourbon

#clevelandohio #parmaohio #pierogi #cabbageroll #benchmarkbourbon #crownroyal

2 thoughts on “*It’s Pierogi Time!*

  1. My Polish grandmother made them by hand several times a year. Wonderful memories. She would make the potatoes but also canned plums (yum) and “fatties” (no filling).

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