*It’s Mani~~Pedi Time*

*It’s Mani~~Pedi Time*

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Not only was it Mani-Pedi time…but we were also over-due for hoof trims…..

On the plus-side Claire was the best I’d ever witnessed her at picking up her feet for our blacksmith Montana…..

Claire’s not fractious…or vicious…or mean in her dissent…..

…..she’s just a pro at locking her leg joints and turning them into cement-support pillars…..

She totally refuses to lift her feet…..

Perhaps her compliance this time…might have been because the lock on the syringe plunger (for the sub-lingual sedative) slipped…..

…..and she got 3/4 of the tube filled with Dormosedan rather than the necessary 1/2…..

What can I say?………….Claire was mellow…so mellow…..

…..we never even made it to the shoeing stock…we didn’t have to…..

…..but more importantly…Montana was finished with three of her four hooves before she realized that she was supposed to be cantankerous…..

Claire and me and the Shoeing Stock…

She only remembered to resume her stubbornness for her last leg…..

…..which her newly-found-muleheadedness reminded her—and she would NOT pick it up—come hell or high water…..

…(note the Come-Along attached to her hoof)…

She’s a sweet old dear…but she’s a pain in the patootie when it comes to her nasty feet…..

Anja was a gem…..Anja’s always a gem…..

Anja & my younger daughter…

Addy was cumbersome…but good…considering Montana found an abscess on her front right…..

…..it’s that time of year for Addy…it’s wet…it’s muddy…and she’s prime for abscesses…..

Addy’s Hoof

I have pine tar…and Durasol…and iodine (the strong stuff) at the ready to treat…and heal…and toughen-up her hooves again…..

We were the last stop on Montana’s schedule for the day…..

Addy  &  Montana

We gave him a beer…and he was on his way back home after us…..

I don’t think he would have wanted or even considered another stop…our Two-Ton-Tessies finished him for the day…..






#farrier #blacksmith #durasol #pinetar #iodine #clydesdale #dormosedangel #manicure #pedicure

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