***It’s KuneKune Time!***

***It’s KuneKune Time!***

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It’s What-ie…What-ie…What?…..

Things to do today…..

Catch up on the advent calendar for the Holidays…(my older daughter has us on schedule this year…some years it doesn’t come down from the attic until the 16th of December)…..

…..and then do more research about KuneKune pigs…..

Yep…that’s what’s on my agenda for today…..


My older daughter has done a lot of previous research…and I’m fed up with all the chemicals & crap that’s being put into our food…..

So…we’re going to raise our own meat…..

…..it’s not the first time we’ve tried this…..

…(sorry it’s blurry…but they are so clueless…and so cute)…

There was the venture into raising Bourbon Red turkeys (but they bonded with me completely & thoroughly…they had such innocent/vacant eyes…and they were so very very simple & trusting)…..

…..so that little project didn’t work out…..

And then…there was the rabbit-raising-thing…..

…..you know the expression…”they breed like rabbits?”…..

…..well…ours didn’t…..

…..they were big into abstention…..

Goat Curry

And of course…then we tried the goats…and yep…that venture has worked out…and we eat them…..

…..and they’re butt heads…..

Now…we’re going to give KuneKune’s a try…..

*****(What’s a KuneKune?)*****


They are cute…..

…..that could be a problem…..

They have varied and complex personalities…..

…..and that could be a problem…..


And they have cartoon-piggy faces and cartoon-piggy-antics…..

…..and yep…that’s definitely gonna be a problem…..

Our previous foray into the world-of-pork-production…was a negative experience…..

…..they were muddy…they were mean…they were dangerous…and they were destructive…..

And they tasted good…..

I guess…Time will Tell…..

Maybe the KuneKune’s will go the way of the goats…or maybe they’ll be too hard to butcher…just like the turkeys…..

But in the meantime…here are some KuneKune Fun Facts…..

***They are primarily grazers…they don’t root…(that’s a huge plus)…..

***They come up to “processing” weight between six to twelve months…(that’s really quick)…..

***They’re not aggressive and/or mean…and you aren’t risking your life & limb just trying to feed them…..

…Mama Pig…(we still have her)…(she’s pleasant…as wild hogs go)…

Maybe there are domestic breeds who don’t have so many negative behaviors…..

Keep in mind we caught and corralled wild hogs who wandered onto our property…(maybe not the best of choices)…..

…(wild pigs wander up here all the time)…(I keep a healthy distance)…

…..(but the price was right)…(and we count ourselves lucky that we all still have ten fingers each)…..

…..and did I mention…they tasted good(?)…..

…(efficient wild hog rooting snout)…

So time will tell if this KuneKune venture will work out…or not…..

…..we’ll be getting them this winter…when it’s cooler weather…and they won’t be stressed out by the heat…..

…(I’m not sure which one is Clover)…

Right now we’re considering Beau and Clover and Bubbles…and maybe a baby from an up-coming March litter…..

…..(hard to imagine bacon and pork chops when you hear those cute names…huh?)…..

Well…we’ll give it a try…..

I’ve been known to regularly break down and cry on the way to the butchers…..

…..I think more people should realize that meat doesn’t just come immediately wrapped in plastic and on a styrofoam tray…..






#samsclubmeat #newzealand

#kunekunepigs #maori #indigenoustribes #publix #winndixie #walmartmeat #costcomeat

2 thoughts on “***It’s KuneKune Time!***

    1. They were all so different from the breeds of pigs I’ve met in the past. They even have a summer coat and a winter coat? Plus I’m learning a lot about feed conversions.

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