~~~~~~~It’s 2021~~~~~~~

~~~~~~~It’s 2021~~~~~~~

Well here we are…..!!!…..

We made it…..!!!…..


We’re taking it easy today…..

…..but we are continuing to eat…..

…..and continuing to drink…..

…..plus reminiscing about the past year…..


…..and napping…..

…..lots of napping…..

Zelda, Archimedes, Sam, DaVinci, Copernicus, Prosecco, & Neil

…..napping a lot…..

I’ve motored through the majority of the holiday goodies…..

…..some…..(I’m ashamed to say)…..

…..I did not share with “others”…..

…..and the “others” might not even know “those” goodies ever existed…..


…..I should be ashamed…..

…..I should…..

…..I’ll work on that one…..it could be a New Year’s Resolution…..

…..Resolution #1—Feel Guilt…..


…..Resolution #1 is immediately getting scratched…..

…..yep…..it’s a goner…..


(Pascal…..See the Glossary)

…..(Pascal…..don’t tell anyone…..ssshhhh…..)

Well you see…..

…..there was this homemade egg nog that my friend (Doctor Brigid) made from scratch…..

She used George Washington’s original recipe…..fresh farm eggs…..fresh goat milk…..and (much better than mediocre) bourbon…..

(…..maybe I can get the recipe from Brigid or George…..)

…..things were whipped…..things were frothed…..things were folded in…..

Brigid delivered a fresh quart of egg nog…..

…..all I had to do was share some with my family…..

…..that’s all I had to do…..(?)…..

…..but did I…..?…..

…..did I…..!?!…..

…..I did not…..

I quietly procured an iced teaspoon (because this egg nog was edible as well as drinkable) and a straw…..and I (perhaps sneakily) sat down in a quiet (dark) corner of the kitchen…..

…..in the dark/wee hours of the morning…..

…..and I luxuriously…..sipped…..and sipped…..and sipped…..

Empty Egg Nog Glass—–And Un-addressed/Un-mailed Christmas Cards…..

…..and oops!…..

…..it was all gone…..!?!…..

Better than Wheaties…..

*************But Wait There’s More*************

The good Doctor ALSO made homemade goat milk fudge…..

…..in wonderful/sealed/pre-cut/paper-lined containers…..

(…..there may have been three containers to begin with…..)

…..(from previous years…..I knew how scrumptious THAT stuff is!!!)…..


…..said goat milk fudge may…..or may not…..

…..still be available for nibbling…..

(***note the sticky finger marks on the butcher block***)

…..only if “one” can find the remaining containers in the dark/far-reaches of the refrigerator……

…..but I’m not telling…..

(I didn’t survive to sixty-six and one-half years of age by sharing egg nog and fudge…..)

(…..just saying…..)

Happy New Year…..







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