~~Indigestion~~~The Day After Boxing Day~~

~~Indigestion~~~The Day After Boxing Day~~


…..it’s over…..

I think I survived…..

I sit here in my new/comfy/fluffy pajamas…..

…..my bare feet are cold…..but then…..so is the kitchen tile floor…..

…..it IS thirty-four degrees outside…..

I’ve eaten everything in sight…..

…..I’d happily do it again…..

…..I plan to…..

…..there are still some un-made recipes to stir together and complete…..

…..I may do that…..

…..but it does cause one to pause and consider and contemplate…..

…..can one digestive-tract possibly develop any MORE gas…..?…..


…..You bet ‘cha!!!…..

I’ve scared the Wolfhounds out of various rooms…..

…..and the cats won’t venture under the duvet with me anymore…..

I should stop writing about gassy/inadequate digestion…..

…..but fart-humor never gets old…..

I may do some sort of comparative study on the different additions of various herbs in recipes and they’re ultimate post-digestive debut…..

…..I don’t believe this has been done before…..

…..I should do this…..

…..I have an inquiring mind…..

I’m fairly sure that the combination of anise seeds in any recipe has a fairly “heady” post-digestive-dissolved outcome…..

…..and the similarity of its unfortunate name…..”anise”…..with a consumer’s culminating body part…..


…..just perhaps this was NOT an unplanned-happenstance…..

I do worry about these things…..

I believe…..someone has to…..

…..and now we are all looking down the barrel at New Year’s Eve…..

…..along with the resulting New Year’s Day meal…..



Collard Greens

…..you just can’t make these things up!!!…..

I’ll end this post for now…..

Roasty Toasty Drogo

…..and go start a fire in the fireplace…..

…..to get the chill out of the room…..

…..(maybe not the best of decisions with all of this corralled/collateral methane in here)…..

…..oh well…..

Bardabunga, Icelandic  Volcano




…..(and not one joke about “fire in the hole”)…..






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