Independence Day

Independence Day

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Yesterday was the Fourth of July…..

We celebrated with spare ribs (St. Louis style)…baked beans…corn on the cob…and watermelon (with seeds)…..

…..(don’t get me started on seedless GMO fruits and vegetables…give me the seeds…and a real melon)…..

The day was a nice day…..

…..really relaxed…and calm…..

Fireworks were on TV…and no one wanted to drive to the beach to watch the displays over the Gulf of Mexico…..

It would’ve been pretty…and it’s not hard getting there…but the traffic jams are horrific when you want to come back home…..

We’re lucky that the Irish Wolfhounds aren’t fractious and nervous with all the exploding fireworks…..

…Val napping…

They all sleep right through the explosions…..

Brave doesn’t care either…..


I can easily sleep through fireworks and thunderstorms…but then again…I’m deaf…..

…..(see…the values of getting old just keep adding up)…..

Our Country and Democracy are coming up to its Presidential Elections this coming November…..

This is not a political Blog…I intend to be thoroughly non-partisan…..

But the World’s at a wild time in history right now…who knows what’s in store between this Independence Day and next year’s celebration?…..

I know the Petro-dollar has gone the way of the DoDo…the world’s in turmoil…..

So many things are up in the air…Title IX…Record Breaking Temperatures…Powerful Tornadoes…Labs playing with mRNA…the advent of A-I…UFO’s are now UAP’s…the list goes on and on…..

I watch the news………….and I worry…..

I try to keep up with what’s going on…but there’s so much subterfuge…..

…..who knows?…do we ever?…..

So…my simple solution is to celebrate with friends whenever possible…find the good and hang onto it…..

…..Enjoy the Day…..

Yesterday was a great day………….it was good celebrating with family…..

I’ll keep doing that…whenever and wherever possible…..

I hope there are many more opportunities to continue to do the same…..

Happy Independence Day…..






#dnc #gop #trumpreelection #bidenreelection #rnc #titleix #globalwarming

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