***In Search Of A Gustaf***

***In Search Of A Gustaf***

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************Hold The Presses*************

*************Gustaf #2.0 Is In The Building!*************

The original Gustaf continues to be lost (or eaten)…and is certainly ex-communicato…..

Did Acacias eat Gustaf #1.0?…


A second Gustaf has been located…procured…and has arrived…..


Gustaf #2.0

Life as we know it has been Saved…Maintained…and Continues…..

Did I have anything constructive to do with the unfolding of these monumental events(?)…..

…..Oh…hell no!…..

I ran around hysterically…like a chicken with its head cut off…..

There was a great deal of cacophonous flapping but nothing productive…..

…..(however…I would like to point out that I did name Gustaf & memorialize him in my previous mediocre post)…..

…..(so I should get an honorable mention for that)…..

But yesterday…(while eating Pop-Tarts on the couch)…..

…..my daughter plopped an Amazonian bag on my lap…and said…..

~~~~~Here Mom…Enjoy~~~~~

…..and Lo and Behold………….it was a New Bouncing Baby Gustaf…..

~~~Gustaf 2.0~~~

…..actually seeing Gustaf in his tiny tiny box…and his tiny tiny custom zip-lock bag…..

…..he was oddly reminiscent of a livestock stool-sample flotation…..

~~~~~But I digress~~~~~

Gustaf #2.0 is Here…..

The Day Has Been Saved!…..


(Archimedes & me getting down to business & inputting blurry photography)…

Life is Just…I have abject/unexceptional photos to be downloaded…and cropped…and transferred…..

Thank you…Daughter #1…..

…..with your calm resolve in the eye of a (maternally-created) cyclone of hysteria…as well as your technical cyber knowledge and necessary nomenclature…..

…..(along with your Amazonian Prime account)…..

…..I tried ordering a “Gustaf”………….with no success…..

This litany of the Hag goes to illustrate that all the Questions…and Answers…of the Universe…..

…..lie unnoticed on the bottom shelves…(under a thick layer of dust)…in the back of any Amazon warehouse…..

It also goes to prove that…Amazon warehouses are vortexes in the Time/Space continuum which are interconnected…worldwide…by underground tunnels…(except in Floridia where the tunnels continually flood because we’re below sea-level)…..


…..(Gustaf…where was I going with this?)…(I’m not sure anymore)…..



…..(life is good)…..







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