***Hurricane Sally***

***Hurricane Sally***

She has finally made land-fall…

~~~in Alabama~~~

I feel badly for the Alabaman(s)…

I heard this morning that Pensacola, Florida got over 28″ of rain when Sally came on land to their west…..

…..the east side of a hurricane traditionally gets the most rain-dumpage…

…..Geez!   Louise!!!…..

It’s so wet here already…..

…..I just couldn’t even imagine another two feet of rain water being added on top of all of the mud and standing water that’s already here…..

…..it’s hard to wrap your head around…..

Our Front Yard After Normal Tropical Rains

The weather people said that the excessive rain accumulation was because Hurricane Sally is such a slow moving storm…..

…..one meteorologist said she was creeping along at about 3mph…..

…..that’s slow…..

***Hurricane Sally’s Effects***

…..more than enough time for rain accumulation…..

I’ve heard that there are a record number of named storms out in the Atlantic Ocean right now along with things spinning in the Gulf of Mexico…..

…..that’s just swell…..

***They Are EVERYWHERE!!!***


So we have named storms this year up through “Vicky” already…..

…..I need to find out what names are planned for after Vicky…..

***Only “Wilfred” Is Left—–what???***

If we run out of letters in the alphabet…..I’d like to think that means the 2020 Hurricane Season is over…..

…..but wait, there’s more…..

A few years back (2005) we ran out of the regular A–through–Z alphabet and had to go to the Greek alphabet…..

…..I bet we have to do that again this year…..


***And Then There Was Zeta***

Wilfred’s not on the map…..yet…..

…..but…..we are only in the middle of September…..

I’m here to say…..if we get to Hurricane Omega…..

…..I think we should all move…..

A chilly/robust autumn is not quite around the corner just yet…..

(Northeastern Ohio (where my relatives still live) is looking pretty good right about now…..)

The pygmy rattlesnakes and the Bufo toads and the moccasins and the fire ants can all follow me, if they want to…..

…..I wouldn’t have to double-bag them and put them in a freezer…..

…..Mother Earth would provide nature’s seasonal/deep-freeze for them in just a couple months…..






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