Hunt Club Annual Business Meeting

Hunt Club Annual Business Meeting

It’s THAT time…

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Our Fox Hunt Club is having its Annual Business Meeting…..

It’s being held at our Clubhouse where our hounds are kenneled…..

It’s an opportunity for everyone to get together formally before the beginning of the Cubbing Season next month.

We typically get copies of our Fixture Cards (schedule of Hunts, sites, & times)…..

I’m missing this years…..(I don’t usually)…..

Instead…..I have to stay home…..

…..behave myself…..sit-down for the whole day…..and listen to a Zoom sports medical conference on my computer…..

…..(in my underwear…..ssshhhhh)…..


Don’t get me wrong…..the conference is interesting and necessary (for the C.E.U.’s—–continuing educational units—–needed for licensure re-certification)…..

But I’d rather go to the Business Meeting…..

…’s Pot-Luck…..(they are always fun)…..there’s a lot to talk about…..

……..of course…..

…..but lots of gossip to catch up on/after a long summer…..

Fox Hunting  &  Champagne

Mother Nature is being kind this year…’s a good omen…..

Tropical Storm “Fred” was supposed to slosh right over us this weekend…..

…..but he’s been pushed off a bit more to the West…..

… it should be semi-dry (or dryer) for the business meeting, which usually over-flows to the outdoors…..

****And let’s not talk about Tropical Storm GRACE*****

…..she’s waiting in the wings…..(after Fred)…..

…..And…..I don’t want to talk about it…..(her)…..

BUT…..I am getting Addy and me ready for Hunting to begin…..

…..last Season…..Addy caught me unawares with her hoove’s soft soles…..

…..she was so tender-footed for such a long time that we missed a big chunk of last years Season…..just because of her tender hoofies…..

…..from so much wet weather…..

BUT this year…..

…..I’m already treating her with added hoof supplements…..

***(***Kaeco Biotin Supplements***)***

…..AND…..a painted-on hoof-treatment…..

…..called***(***Durasole~~~It’s A Great Hoof Hardener***)***

… toughens a water-softened hoof…..

…..(BTW…it also toughens (and discolors) my fingernails)…..

…..(so that’s a win…win?)…..

All In All…..

Addy & I are getting ready for the advent of this year’s Fox Hunt Season…..

Tra!  La!

And Tally Ho!…..

***(Mary Constance just recommended painting hoof soles (and me) with formaldehyde & strong iodine)***(to make them harder)***






#kaecobiotin800z, #foxhunting, #durasole, #formaldehyde, #iodine

2 thoughts on “Hunt Club Annual Business Meeting

  1. We missed you at the meeting. A fun time was had by all and there was a lot of yummy food. Next year, you will be there!

    1. I will!
      I promise!
      Yesterday however, I did learn how to laser-align a prothetic leg…
      Don’t get me wrong…..laser’s are great…..but wouldn’t a plumb-line have worked just as well?
      And I’m sure the food at the Pot Luck was better than my left-overs out of the fridge…

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