Huge Busy-ness

Huge Busy-ness



This’ll be a short entry…

Lot’s to do…





After weeks of direct-fire combat, sniper attacks and old fashioned fisticuffs…………my older daughter and I circled the wagons, evaluated our skills, counted our abilities & inabilities……………..and came to the resounding combined opinion that we need cyber-help with this cyber-thing I’ve been doing……and seem to keep doing.



Pascal (the cloud that I journal to) and Patrice (my overalls) all agreed.

They don’t like controversy either.

We sought out a very kind man………………with Doc Web Designer

We will call him, Craig………..that’s not his name, but you can contact him and find out his non-alias.

He understands us………………..which is a real plus, because we don’t.

**********Here’s the skinny on my blog-thing***********


It apparently has major route changes, detours, repaving, and frost-heaving that needs to be smoothed out, re-tarred, and DOT fixed.

(Craig used other words………….which I don’t remember & can’t apply…………….but, if I got anything out of our lengthy, detailed conversation………………my blog-thingie is lost in a cyber-wilderness and you can’t get there from here……..)-(Surprised?  I’m not.)


Therefore, it’s (I’m not sure what “it” is)…………..but it’s being fixed………… we speak.



Oh, and Bell got bitten on her muzzle by a pygmy rattlesnake (probably)-(because the puncture wounds are less than one inch apart)……………..

She can breath.

She can swallow.

So, we’re good?………………..



Spring has sprung.  The grass is riz.  I wonder where the flowers is?


Aaauuuuuuggggghhhhhhh!          Sigh…






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