Housework & Other Survival Games…

Housework & Other Survival Games…


You know your housekeeping standards are in question when you have to vacuum the walls……..

Not only do you have to re-evaluate your cleaning techniques, but their timeliness as well——–

At first, I tried just spot-cleaning the walls by vacuuming the “worst” areas.


One spot cleaning lead to another.

And another…

And another…

But honestly, the vacuum paths on the wall looked very scarily similar to the swathes I recently took with the bush-hog and tractor while mowing the pasture………


Sad, huh?




So, I stood on the couch and systematically repeated my mowing patterns…………………..on the wall………………..with the vacuum.



I’m hesitant about pulling out the furniture to clean and capture what’s behind it………………….


I should probably have my Hav-A-Hart traps at the ready for unidentified critter containment……….

If our walls were this fuzzy………’s highly conceivable that there are larger (more animated) fuzzies living under and/or behind the couches.

Scary, but true.


I try to keep the ceiling fans constantly moving…………..that way people can’t focus on the furry-leading-edges of the fan’s blades……………

Oh, don’t act surprised…………you all know what I mean.


Ceiling fans were never meant to be idle……………they need to be constantly rotating……………..that’s my philosophy.

Blurry and moving…


**********Note to self*********


Buy that industrial boot scraper that you saw at the feed store…………….the one with the blow-torch and the acid-rinse.



On a positive note……………

……………we are making headway…

The cats have stopped peeing in the toaster, and DaVinci has curtailed his peeing on my vitamin bottles.

See……………….so…………….there’s that…

I believe in celebrating wherever and whenever you can.


Yeah, DaVinci!!!




………………I’m fairly sure the fireplace will need sand-blasting and an extended bleach-soak prior to our first fire of the season…………….

Not everything can be blamed on DaVinci…

But I’m quite sure the mysteriously, soggy, residual ash in the corners of the hearth could possibly be his responsibility.


Yeah, DaVinci……………………………………









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