*Honey Bee Arrival*

*Honey Bee Arrival*

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Okay…I’m getting ready for the advent of the next stage of my honey bee attempt…..

I’m going to try this again…..

I’m scheduled to pick up my bees this weekend…..

I’ll be picking up two nuc’s (five-frame bee-starter kits)…..

…(previous homemade nuc’s)…

I’m in the pre-bee prep-zone head-space…..

Their custom-made deck has (unfortunately) become a catch all for assorted farm stuff…..

I need to use what’s necessary…and find alternate homes for the rest…..

I’m hoping for the health of my future hives…and that I’ve preemptively cured my past carpenter ant problems…..

I’m putting rubberized feed dishes on top of pavers that will go under the six legs of the bee’s platform…(with the help of my older daughter and the tractor)…..

Then I’ll let the rain fill the pans…(and I may/or may not float some used diesel oil on the water)…..

Take That!  You damnable carpenter ants!  Try doing the backstroke across that to get to the bee’s decking…..!

…..but we’ve discovered that the hive platform has settled and sunk into the soft (swampy) ground…sooooo…that’s a delay…..

…..after that…I’ll be pounding in T-posts and securing welded metal fencing panels around the whole thing…..

…..to keep the scavengers (goats) at bay…..

I’m planning on setting up two separate hives again…..

…(the old hive setting)…

I’ll need to scavenge six (?) cement blocks to elevate the brood boxes…(the blocks have been scavenged and scattered around the farm somewhere)…..

I guess I should make some sugar syrup for the newbies…just in case they’re hungry and can’t find their own food right away…..

I’ll get back into the swing of working with bees again………….but am I “apprehensive”?…..

…..that’s as good a word as any…(@#$%-scared works too)…I just need to jump in…but right now…Yes…I’m “apprehensive”…..

The logical mind says…that’s a lot of independent decision-making stingers…..

I wish I had a more successful history with the little boogers…I did for a while…a couple of decades ago…but not since then…..

I have an Epi-pen in the cupboard…just in case…..

Willful stubbornness has prevailed…yet again…..


*****Hold The Presses!*****

*****(well damn…my bee project has been delayed…I seem to need thirteen cement blocks…four landscape timbers…and the brood boxes have more dry rot than anticipated …plus…the tractor died because of crappy diesel fuel or maybe it’s the starter)*****

…..(and we almost died working out in the heat—it’s brutal)…..


But…Am I Quitting?

…..Oh!  Hell no!…..

…..(to be continued)…..





#apairy #honeybee #glyphosate #homedepot #lowes #acehardware #betterbee

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