***Heirloom Seeds***

***Heirloom Seeds***

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My younger daughter has a part-time job using her horticultural background (which she learned from attending the Florida School for the Deaf & Blind in St. Augustine).

She and I also decided that we needed to augment her new job by growing vegetables & fruit here at home…..

…..to that effect…..we decided to use the leaky/old/rusty water tanks that were previously used for livestock…..

…..we thought they would make good containers for vegetables and what-nots…..

My daughter dutifully put rocks at the bottoms of the tanks for drainage…..(they already have rust-holes and leaks)…..then she filled them with dirt and topped them off with potting soil…..

I’m a big believer in heirloom seeds…..I really don’t trust GMO’d anything…..

…..I want something with living seeds that are able to re-propagate…..

…..so we had a day of researching and purchasing from a mail-order catalog who only sells old-fashioned/hearty/self-re-producing seeds…..

Don’t Get Me Started On Posilac…(What’s Posilac?—you asked…?)

…..(I threw in a handful of the oily/black sunflower seeds that we use as snacks for the goats and the poultry…..(I wanted to see if any of them would sprout)…..

…..(FYI…..they probably won’t…..they’ve been radiated)…..

…..I did purchase a packet of heirloom gray-strip sunflower seeds…..so maybe…..if we’re lucky…..we’ll get some sprouts from both kinds of sunflowers…..

…..from what I understand…..feed seeds are treated somehow (radiation) so they don’t sprout and re-propagate on their own……(***Here’s Some FDA Kool-Aid To Drink***)

…..time will tell…..

Traditionally…..in the past…..I’ve demonstrated that I have a really black-thumb when it comes to gardening…..

…..maybe my daughter’s digits will be greener…..

…..maybe I just have to work through the memories of my past gardening negativity and nightmares…..

…..we’re willing to put in the effort…..

…..(we certainly do have the fertilizer)…..





#florida #floridaschoolforthedeafandblind #horticulture

#fertilizer #gmo #monsanto #posilac #radiation #heirloomseeds #staugustine #fsdb #fda

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