Heat Complaint #563

Heat Complaint #563

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It’s the last day of July…..

I think I might see a brisk zephyr somewhere over that haze-crazed humidity-dripping horizon…..

Everything…(flora & fauna alike)…has that same dispirited…middle distanced…unfocused stare…..

It’s that zombie-time of the year in sunny sub-tropical Florida…..

…..no one wants to be here now…..

Maine is looking pretty good…..

Some are pining for the Yukon…..

Our air conditioner has been stressed to its max…it’s been on again…off again…..

…..frozen over…and icy…and thawed out…..

We all walk past the house’s thermostat and hold our breath…hoping that it will just keep going…past this apex of summer heat…..

…..to that golden/cooler Autumn that’s promised…around the bend…..

And to add injury to insult…our local friendly meteorologists keep reminding us that…..

*****!We Are Now Entering Into The Peak Of Hurricane Season!*****


*****and to Buckle Up for the Ride Through August & September*****

…..(best said with diminishing echoing oration)…..

I regularly re-visit my computer’s homepage icons for NOAA and my favorite meteorologist…it’s just part of the dance that we all perform…at this time of the year…..

I get so tired of smiling/anorexic blondes with their disembodied smiles and tailored wardrobes…pointing at green screens with potential paths for our impending doom & destruction…..

…..our near future lives are distilled down to percentages and likelihoods of impact…..

Why can’t we have someone realistic…you know…..

…..sweat-stained tee shirt…semi-contained hysteria…haggard/dazed expression…with a disruptive twitch…..

…..(combine that with a diminishing echo response)…..

…..Now that’s Realism…..

But the weather has been dramatic all over the world…..

Mother Nature seems to be making a definitive statement…..

I just read that scalloping (nearby in the Gulf of Mexico) has been suspended due to toxins in the water…..

…..(poor little bilious glow-in-the-dark crustaceans)…(oops…mollusk)…..

Now…that’s all on us…..

We’re even affecting the health of bottom-feeders!…Geez!…..

…..that’s saying a lot…isn’t it?…..

…..can you tell that this post has been written in a heat-induced daze…(with a disruptive twitch?)…..

This hot weather is getting to me…..

I need a mediocre bourbon & coke…with a lot of ice…..

Autumn………….where are you?…..






#jimbeam #cubalibre #environmentaldamage #greenpeace #redtide #epa

#bottomfeeder #gulfofmexico #noaa #nationalhurricanecenter #dogdays #peta

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