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My old friend just sent me suggestions for Hasenpferrer stew….

***Culinary Delights Of Hasenpferrer***

…..(FYI:  rabbit stew)…..

…..by old friend…..I mean Tess…..(you bet’cha…..that’s an alias)…..

…..(I wouldn’t want to mess up her witness-protection)…..

…..(by old friend…..I mean)…..

…..(decades and decades of purging and expunging of police-records-kind-of-old-friend)…..

…..she was the one who reminded me that in the ’60’s & 70’s we used Crisco to tan (sear) at the beach…..(prior to SPF’s—sun protection factors)…..

…..we both cried when her Datsun 240Z finally bit the dust…..

*****The Infamous “Z”*****

Don’t Know Who This Old Dude Is…But It’s The Right Color Z…

…..(it was way cooler than our ’76 Toyota Celica GT)…..

*****The Celica*****

…..(which also bit the dust)…..

….both had years & miles of donuts and curb-jumping and tread-burning-bald tires…..(we fondly referred to them as “May-Pops”)…..

…..only two radio stations were available…..and they were played to the max…..vibrating the chaises & our eardrums…..

…..Heh?………….(no wonder I’m deaf)…..

…..they were GREAT cars!…..

Fond memories of shoving a Great Dane…an Irish Wolfhound…a Wire-Haired Fox Terrier…and a deranged Airedale Terrier in the back seat…..

…..then blowing down the road to “Dog Beach”…..

…..(our favorite beach in the ’70’s)…..

…..(not one of those pristine/well-monitored/well-policed/politically-correct beaches)…..

…..you never knew what might wash up from the channel…..

…..or what crime-scene-tape you’d have to step over…..

…..and then there were the drunks you might be waking up after a bender…..

…..(oh wait…..that was us)…..

AND LET’S NOT FORGET…..there was the best Mom & Pop/soft-serve ice cream stand along the approach road…..

…..(all the dogs knew when we pulled into the parking lot…..they expected their standard orders)…..

Tess is that kind of person who’d be sitting next to you on the bench in the holding cell…..saying  “Whoo Hoo…..What A Ride!”…..

I hope you’re enjoying Nova Scotia………….(oops)…..

             “Life should NOT
be a journey to the grave
with the intention of arriving
safely in an attractive
and well preserved body,
but rather to
skid in sideways,
chocolate in one hand,
martini in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally                      worn out
and screaming
WOO HOO what a ride!”

                      Author: Maxine







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