Hard Freeze

Hard Freeze

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I know the wording “Hard Freeze” is not something you think about usually when you think of Florida…..

…..but it’s a thing…..

It’s not something that the beach-goers…or vacationers think of when they think of Florida either…..

…..depending on the timing…it can be a good thing…or a really bad thing for the farmers…..

Me…I just bob along with what Mother Nature throws our way…(except I get REALLY expletively-mouthy about her hurricanes  &  big tropical storms)…..

But a hard freeze…given its timing…can be a very good thing (in my book)…..

…..because it kills a lot of mosquitoes…..

…..I suppose mosquitoes have their place in the grande-scheme of things…..

I haven’t figured it out yet…..

…..which reminds me of an old/anonymous Chinese proverb that I read somewhere…..

~~~”If You Don’t Understand…Then It’s Probably None Of Your Business”~~~

…..that applies to me a lot…..

So where mosquitoes are concerned…in the full-scope of the universe…..

…..I suppose…it’s none of my business…..

…..I do know that a hard freeze…freezes their spindly-butts dead…..

And that’s just fine with me…..

A hard freeze can do that…if it’s low enough…and long enough…..

I don’t fully understand the timing or the necessary temperatures…..

…..but I do know that a temperature drop (at the right time) can also help sweeten the strawberry crop for the farmers who are just south of us…..

The farmers even run sprinklers over their tender strawberry plants to help insulate them from the cold………….with the sprinklers’ ice formations(?)…..

…..(okay…that one’s lost on me)…..?…..

But I do like strawberries…..

And I do like the Strawberry Festival in the early spring…..

So hard freezes here on the sunny Gulf Coast of Sub-Tropical Florida aren’t going to make it into the tourist brochures…..

…..however…they have their place…..

The huge staghorn ferns and bromeliads don’t like them…and neither do the mosquitoes……


…..so if those nasty buggie-boogers—get frozen in the back swamp’s permafrost—that’s just oakie dokie…..

I don’t mind…that I don’t understand…the mosquito’s “place” in this world…..

…..(my universal-universe is a little smaller  &  probably has less dimensions than some people’s)…..

I’m just looking forward to the New Year filled with less itchy bug welts…..

Sometimes the blessings I count are a little unconventional…..


*****—–(which is it…mosquitoes or mosquitos?)—–*****






#permafrost #hardfreeze #mosquitoes #strawberryfestival 

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