Happiness Can Be A Puddle Of Pee…

Happiness Can Be A Puddle Of Pee…


*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*******

Just like all things in life…..

…..everything is a matter of perspective…..

What may make me caterwaul one day…..

…..on another day…..

…..I may celebrate the same thing…..

This is what recently happened to Sam…..Sam’s my buddy…..

…..he’s also an eight year old/neutered/male cat…..

Sam & Archimedes

Probably a lot of you cat-lovers out there are already starting to nod your heads…..

Sam was suddenly in pain…..I swear it happened in the blink of an eye…..

Sam & Archimedes

I could feel “a lump” in his otherwise flabby tummy…..

…..it was a fast/on-set situation needing an equally fast/decision-making choice…..

To the Vets………….or Not to the Vets

…..it was at the end of the workday…..so I could either fly in under-the-radar…..

…..or I could wait and potentially have to go to the after-hours/emergency walk-in/!!!$$$$$!!! Vets…..

…..(I chose the former…..arriving with two minutes to spare before closing)…..

Sam’s bladder was badly distended…..he was in a great deal of pain…..

…..the poor dude was sedated/catheterized/IV’d/medicated/and drained…..

Sam had developed the “usual” neutered-boy-cat-urinary-tract-syndrome…..

…..it wasn’t the normal one with pee-plugs caused by urinary crystals…..

…..his was a mucous/blood/& sloughed-cellular clog…..


…..You Bet’Cha!…..

Dr. Russell’s microscope checked for crystals…..there were none…..

…..that was good…..

…..But apparently Sam has been under stress…..

…..and that’s what caused his penile-blockage…..

Neil…Sam…Copernicus…&  Prosecco…

…..(I wish my day could be filled with napping/eating/& more napping)…..

I am really glad I opted to drive (airborne) with my dually to Dr. Russell’s…..

…..he said Sam would NOT have lasted ’til the morning…..

…..(and Dr. Russell is not an alarmist)…..


How Could It Have Come Up So Fast!!!!!?!!!!!

I credit the addition of D-Mannose powder to the absence of urinary crystals being stuck in Sam’s willy…..(TMI again?)…..

***D-Mannose Explained***

I regularly stir the powder in with extra water into their canned food…..

…..they don’t get cat food….they get cat gravy…..

Happily…..the Sam-Man is home again…..

But we are keeping track of his litter-box-peeing-behavior…..

Hey!…..Pee’ing is a good thing!…..Absolutely Celebrate-able!

Neil & Sam…(and my thumb)…






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