Halloween & Day Of The Dead

Halloween & Day Of The Dead


They are both just around the corner.

Day of the Dead/Sugar Skull

Today the order from Oriental Trading Catalog arrived……………

*****And if you cruise the internet, you can find free shipping!!!*****




(When the girls were little, that source was my go-to center for everything party. Amongst their friends, I got the “Mom with the Best Take-Home-Party-Favor-Bag Award”……………….I sport that lapel pin proudly.)

Halloween and Valentines Day are favorites for me……………..I don’t really understand the correlation, but they are both such fun.

I’m learning more about Day of the Dead.  I like the inclusive, party, celebratory feel about it.

Graveyards are usually very pretty and well-coiffed.

It would be a nice place for a picnic with family…………..those here and those crossed over.


I think I like Halloween too because it is also the holiday-prelude to (seemingly) cooler weather, in addition to being a super-fun holiday with obligatory high-sugar content.

(Yesterday it was up above 95F degrees…………..again…)

The box that arrived this afternoon had additions to our already abundant spooky holiday decorations………………..this year’s additions are a frog skeleton (sorry Bufo Toads) and three skulls for table decorations…

………………See No Evil;  Hear No Evil;  Speak No Evil…

The frog skeleton is now hanging from the dusty ceiling fan chain in the den………(the dust was intentionally left there as holiday decorations…)-(HA!)

I just noticed that I had never taken down the zombie-gnome who’s on top of our refrigerator since last Halloween………….how did he blend in?


My daughters and I went to JoAnn’s Fabric store yesterday and got supplies for our Autumnal garland.

We are already set for our Winter/Holiday garland.

Tomorrow, I think we are going to work on hanging the Fall one over the front window in the dining room and around the French doors in the living room in the back.

Garlands are a good thing.

Prosecco in last year’s Christmas Garland

The cats love them to pieces.

They love dismantling them.

This last year I found some brass stag-horn sconces that we’ve placed above and besides the windows and doors.

It makes swagging (I like that word) the fabric and vines and assorted seasonal what-nots easier and ultimately harder for the cats to jump at/pounce on/& claw off.

I like celebrations.

I’ll celebrate and acknowledge the obscure holidays as well as the biggies.

Like when the first Corvette came off the assembly line or the patenting of barbed wire or the Universal Annual Goldfish Funeral Acknowledgement Day………….(October the First/just in case you need reminding).

…………….but not to end on too somber a note……………Betty Boop’s Debut was August 8th., 1930 and then there’s Julia Child’s Birthday on August 15th………

(Why is there a Pug wearing a Superman Outfit with Betty Boop?)

So see, there are celebrations and holidays everywhere!!!







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