

Hadrian Is On The Right

Farm life is hardly ever a sugar-coated existence…

That circle-of-life-thing…….sucks…

Digging a grave is horrible…….

…..digging a grave for a baby is worse…

But along with loosing Addy’s foal…….I didn’t want to pass over Hadrian’s death…

And yes…..Hadrian (our senior Irish Wolfhound stud) passed away suddenly in the middle of “all of this”…

He woke up one morning…..ate a full breakfast…..played with his youngest granddaughter (Val)…..they played to exhaustion in the kitchen…..then both laid down for a nap…..

…..and Hadrian passed away in his sleep…….

…….you just can’t make these things up!!?!!…….

I’m going to have to check his papers, but I don’t think he was that old…….maybe ten-ish?…

Hadrian With Sweetie Pie Napping On Him

Our hounds last longer than most…

But Geez Louise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enough Is Enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hadrian With His Head OVER The Kitchen Table.

I suppose I should say something deep and philosophical right now…….

…..but honestly…..I’m just too tired…..I’m bone-tired…….

It appears that Hadrian ultimately died in his sleep from some sort of stroke…

No one noticed his passing…

It was that peaceful…

He passed away while napping…

He was right in front of the refrigerator…

I was out in the barn with one of Addy’s I.V. transfusions…

He did have a couple lumps developing…..we knew he was getting on in years…..but we never anticipated something so sudden…


His daughters & granddaughters cross their front legs…..just like their father/grandfather…

Hadrian, Sweetie Pie, & Godiva

Ben is depressed…..he doesn’t have his old/bro-pal to harass…


That damned circle-of-life…

Grandpa Hadrian

In fact…..Mufasa was the name of one of Hadrian’s ancestors…

I’ll miss him…..he was a great spirit…..he had a wonderful personality…..and he loved babies…….

Hadrian & A Grandbaby

I’ll miss how he would harass my older daughter…

He would walk up behind her…..put his head under one arm (to be petted)…..and then (with regularity) flip her boob with his nose………….it would irritate her to no end…….

…..(he’s taught Ben how to do that too)…….

…..(none of the girl hounds do it)…….

…..(just the boys)…….

…..(I’m sure my daughter will hate me for sharing this with the world)…….

…..(but it’s a memory of Hadrian that will always make me smile)…….

…..I miss you old man…………………

“There’s more to see than can ever be seen”…

“There’s more to do than can ever be done”………….(from “The Lion King”)

Hadrian~~~R.I.P.~~~Old Man





8 thoughts on “~~~~~~~Hadrian~~~~~~~

  1. I’m so very sorry. You’ve had more sadness than anyone should endure. Sending you hugs and hopes for a better year ahead. Celia sends her love.

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