Goat Yoga………………..You’re Kidding, Right?

Goat Yoga………………..You’re Kidding, Right?



It’s a “thing”?


It’s really a thing?

You’re joking!

It’s a joke……………right?!!!


How did it ever get going?

………..  And, why?

No, I’m serious  ……….




get run over by goats regularly.  And I can say without any hesitation it’s not relaxing.  It’s not re-aligning.  My chakras get strewn all over with un-impugned disrespect while getting covered with muddy hoof prints.

Those cloven hooves have no respect.  They are abusive.  They’re sharp.

And they smell!        A lot.



I hate it when they step in your mouth………………….and yes, it has happened more than once………………usually after the herd has taken me down, rifled my feed buckets, and left me as a scuffed-up throw-rug.


So you see, I feel fairly experienced as a goat-hoof-connoisseur (or victim).

And as a result, I just can’t wrap my head around people willingly having goats perch on their bodies, while doing yoga……………………………


I just can’t.




The nuances of the downward-facing-dog with an upside down goat face looking back at you?

Nope, not for me.





I could just imagine one of our beasties intentionally bounding past and snapping my body into multiple shards during the Bharadvaja Twist.


Who thinks these things up?


I trim goat hooves regularly.  That’s a lot of body weight onto pointy-sharpness.

I just don’t get the segue between goats and yoga…

I need to do some quick research.


Apparently it started in Oregon.


Well, I’m surprised.  I would have expected California.





And they are Pygmies or Nigerians.

Well that’s better~~~~~~~~~~A tiny goat versus our gargantuan behemoths.


Our Oberhasli and Saanen dairy goats are not diminutive or dainty.



But there’s still the smelly hooves with their indiscriminate choice of where they step before they step on you…………………


I’m trying to keep an open mind here.


So, I went to their official FaceBook page………



I like their tee-shirts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~They are really quite cute.        Check them out.


But, you know, my goats are more likely to drive me to needing therapy than to actually be therapeutic themselves……………………and those hooves……………………




Cute tee-shirt though……………………I think I need to buy one.




There’s no doubt about it, baby goats are super cute.


They take cavorting to a whole new level.

But then they become adult goats.





Maybe I just have the wrong goats.


I think I must have the wrong goats.




I definitely have the wrong goats.







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