Goat Meat

Goat Meat

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Short Ribs

…..Goat Meat…It’s What’s For Dinner…..

Like I’ve said before…this ain’t no petting zoo…..

We recently had to cull-down the pig numbers on our little farm…along with the excess quantity of goats…..

And…like I’ve said before…culling is a lop-sided/unfair situation for the boys…..

Farm stock is inherently matriarchal…and predominantly female…..

Professor Dillamond

…..only the best boys are kept intact (that word sounds benign…but the process it’s alluding to is brutal)……

…..Ben and Brave and Guillaume and Professor Dillamond…you guys are lucky…..

…(some random rooster)…

But…it’s a cold/hard fact………….you don’t get eggs from a rooster…you can’t get milk from a bull or buck goat…and too many stallions can quickly spell disaster…..

…..I bet the majority of you out there don’t know where veal comes from…(I know it tastes good…I just can’t eat it)…..

…..but that’s my hang-up…..

Right now my freezer is filled to the brim with meat…mostly goat…..

…..I cook it like venison…I use my Mother’s old dutch oven…or our big crockpot…..

…(oops…pork not goat meat)…(but you get the idea)…

Most goat meat is very lean…but I noticed this last batch of our packaged meat from the butcher’s…had a great deal of marbling…..

….it illustrates we’re over-feeding our herd…but it also makes for moist meat…..

(***Goat Korma Recipe***)

(***Jamaican Goat Curry***)

I have apothecary drawers in my kitchen filled with herbs and spices…usually the goat meat goes into a curry or korma dinner…..

My older daughter introduced me to the luxury of a rice cooker…..

…..Who Knew!!?!!…..

…..at first I resisted…but now I’ll fight you…if you try taking it from me…..

…..no more gummy rice…no more needing a razor blade to scrape burned rice off the bottom of the pot…..

…..just fluffy…fluffy…fluffy…fluffy rice…..

…..(and I don’t feel one bit guilty about the short-cut)…..

…..Jasmine rice?…No Problem…Basmati?…Piece of Cake…Brown or Wild?…Easy Peasy…..

So the future looks bright for multiple/up-coming curry dinners…..

…..(I can’t say as much for the providers of the meat)…..

…..but it was truly appreciated………….and Thank You…..

Oh…FYI…if you ever eat dinner at my house…Don’t leave any un-eaten meat on your plate…..

…..or be braced for the inevitable lecture about someone having to give up their life for it…..

…..just ask my resigned daughters…and…their now/damaged friends…..

…..I’ve been known to be quite eloquent…..

………….you know that whole circle of life thing………….





#lionking #simba #korma #ricecooker

#jamaicancurry #chickenkorma #goatkorma #muttonkorma #curry recipes #goatmeat #veal

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